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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/15 08:42:03
In my life,there are tons of people and events worthy mentioning.All of them are imprints of my heart,however,my roommate XXX is the most special memory.
再问: 我想介绍寝室里的所有人,就是开头帮我想一下
再答: 就说living with my roomates is the most special memory. They are XXX,XXX,XXX...... , I would like to introduce them one by one below.
再问: ok
再问: Thanks
再问: 那结尾呢
再问: 可以给我示范下么
再问: 简单点就行
再问: 我5分钟演讲的
再答: 来个深情的,no matter what happend before and will happen in the future, you guys will not be forgotten by me. I really want to thank to the memory you gave to me, you are my largest wealth. 最后他们上台热泪拥抱,哈哈
再问: you guys 后面的就不要了
再问: 就在那后面帮我想一句
再问: 我会珍惜这个记忆加在后面可以吗
再答: 完全可以
再问: I will cherish this memory 看一下有没有什么语法错误
再答: I will cherish this wonderful memory for the rest of my life.
再问: for my future life 不是更好
再答: 都行