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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 16:08:28
全球气候变暖已经严重影响到人类的生存和社会的可持续发展.世界各国都采取措施加以应对,并形成了一系列有效的国际合作机制. 随着经济的发展,人类赖以生存的已经联为一体,国际关系日益成为一种相互影响,相互交织,相互依存的关系,国际社会也日益成为一个不可分割的整体.气候变化是一个不争的事实,是人类面临的生死有关的挑战.
对于发达国家,气候变暖已是一个现实的威胁,发达国家在技术推广和利用方面应做出更多的努力,使发展中国家买得起,用得上.发达国家还应正视自己的历史责任和当前人均排放水平仍然居高的现实,制定更长远和更严格的目标,持续不断地进行减排人类社会正面临空前的环境挑战,技术开发与合作对应对全球气候变暖等挑战具有决定性作用. 发达国家应遵守《联合国气候变化框架公约》及其《京都议定书》的要求以切实行动支持发展中国家适应气候变化,提供资金及技术协助发展国减排,并作出率先大幅量减排的表率shuai,而不是仅仅停留在口头上,没有具体行动.
Global warming is a serious threat to human living and society sustainable development. All countries in the world take measures to deal with it, and formed a series of effective mechanisms of international cooperation. With the development of economy, human survival has been linked as a whole, international relations have increasingly become a mutual influence, interaction, interdependent relations, international society is increasingly becoming an integral whole. Climate change is an indisputable fact, humanity is facing the death of challenge.
Climate change, relates to the common interests of the whole world, but also the vast number of developing countries development interests and people's well-being, all countries in the world should cooperate actively respond: to the developing country, its first priority is to develop economy, eradicate poverty, improve people's livelihood. The international community should attach great importance to developing countries especially the small island states, the least developed countries, landlocked countries and African countries, the difficult situation, listen to the voice of developing countries, respect the concerns of developing countries, to respond to climate change in developing countries where gold development, improve the developing development intrinsic motivation and the ability of sustainable development together. In addition, the developing countries should actively take measures according to their ability, to make contributions within its capacity.
For developed countries, climate warming is a real threat, the developed countries in technology promotion and utilization should make more efforts in developing countries, to afford, use it. Developed countries should recognize their historical responsibility and the current per capita emissions levels remain high reality, develop more long-term and more stringent goals, continuously reduce the human society is facing unprecedented environmental challenge, technology development and cooperation to deal with global warming and climate change challenge has a decisive role. The developed countries should comply with the" United Nations Framework Convention on climate change" and the" Kyoto Protocol" requirement to carry support developing countries adapt to climate change, to provide funds and technology to assist in the development of country and emission reduction, and make a substantial reduction in the example of Shuai, not just stay in oral on, no specific action.
In addition, transform the mode of development is the fundamental measure to cope with climate change. Climate change is essentially a problem of development, ignore poverty, with stagnant development way to tackle climate change is not feasible; ignore climate change, one-sided pursuit of economic growth is not advisable, basic approach is to transform the mode of development, to the community, to the natural attitude of responsibility to achieve economic growth, poverty; to the spirit of thrift reasonable use of energy and resources, oppose extravagance and waste.
All the countries in the world should have the spirit of honest and pragmatic spirit of sincere cooperation. The international community should increase capital investment, expand the exchange of information, strengthen the energy-saving, environmental protection, low carbon energy, R & D and innovation cooperation, especially should emphasize the technical promotion and utilization.