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英语阅读求答案Hundreds of years ago,forest fires in the Pacific Nor

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 06:22:06
Hundreds of years ago,forest fires in the Pacific Northwest United States
Burned freely,without human interference.When wildfire came,it burned slowly,
Removing small vegetation while leaving the taller,old-growth trees unharmed.This
Low and slow fire was a natural part of the ecosystem,regularly”cleaning”the forest
Floor by eliminating flammable material.
In modern times,however,forest managers have tried to stop all forest fires.
Unfortunately,this practice has allowed the forests to become overcrowded with thick
Vegetation.Now,even a small fire can explode out of control as it quickly jumps from
Plants and woody debris on the forest floor to the branches and tops of taller trees.
Today,forest fires often burn so hot and shoot up so high that they destroy old-growth
Trees and the precious places where wildlife live.State and federal governments
Spend hundreds of millions of dollars each year fighting forest fires to protect not only
Trees and animal life,but also the many houses that have been built within or near
Forests of the future must become more like forests of the past--uncrowded,
Open stands of tall trees,where natural fires remain small and do not threaten to
Destroy wildlife and human communities.
11.Why do forest fires today often become large and explode out of control?
A Many houses have been built within or near forests.
B State and federal governments do not spend enough money fighting
forest fires.
C Forest fires burn freely,without human interference
D Forests are overcrowded with thick,flammable vegetation and woody
12.In Line 7.“this practice”refers to_____________.
A removing small vegetation
B trying to stop all forest fires
C fires exploding out of control
D allowing low and slow fires to burn freely
13.How does the writer feel about the condition of forests today?
A angry
B concerned
C hopeless
D satisfied
14.What can we conclude from this reading passage?
A Forest fires of the past destroyed the Pacific Northwest forests.
B Forest managers have made forests healthier.
C Forest fires today are more destructive than forest fires in the past.
D Forests of the future will never again be like forests of the past.
15.How are the ideas in this reading passage organized?
A a chronological(time)progression
B a sequence of events in a personal story
C opposing opinions about an issue
D a list of examples
11 D Forests are overcrowded with thick,flammable vegetation and woody
12 B trying to stop all forest fires
13 B concerned
14 C Forest fires today are more destructive than forest fires in the past.
15 C opposing opinions about an issue