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Our sun is a star,and nine worlds (天体) move round it.Worlds

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 09:01:23
Our sun is a star,and nine worlds (天体) move round it.Worlds like these are planets.But there are other stars,other suns,not only thousands of them,but millions of them.Do different stars have planets?We can see the planets round our own sun.but we haven’t been anymore.The stars are too far away from us.Stars give out light,but the planets don’t have any light of their own.So we can’t see them.They are too far,and too dark.Still,we can tell that some stars have planets.While a big planet goes round,it pulls its star to one side.And sometimes we can see this.Then we know that the star has a planet.For example,Barnard’s Star is a small red star.And it is the quickest star in the universe.But sometimes it moves slower,and then quicker again.We have known Bernard’s Star for many years,and now we are sure it has a planet.
( )1.A star is a large body in the universe.It _______.
A.moves round our sun B.has light of its own
C.can also be called a sun D.both B and C
( )2.Which of the following is not true?
A.The earth is one of the sun’s world’s B.There are millions of suns in the universe
C.The world’s are very bright D.some stars have planets
( )3.We can see the planets round our sun.But we can’t see ________.
A.nine worlds in the universe B.the planets round other stars
C.the satellites round the earth D.other stars
( )4.Barnard’s Star moves more quickly than ________.
A.most stars B.any other star C.its planet D.the planets round the sun
( )5.How can people know that there is a planet round Barnard’s Star?
A.Sometimes they see that the planet pulls the star to one side and makes it move slower.
B.The planet is shining
C.The planet is next to our earth.
D.The planet is a red one.
我们的太阳是个恒星,9个天体围绕着它转.天体就像这些行星.但是还有别的恒星,别的“太阳”(意思是恒星,有围绕着它转的行星),不仅仅是成千(上万)的它们,而是数以百万计的它们(指恒星).每个恒星都有围绕它的行星吗?我们能看到围绕太阳的行星.但是我们看不到其他的.那些恒星离我们太远了.恒星散发出光,但是行星自己不会发光.所以我们看不到他们.它们太远太黑了.但是依旧,我们可以说有些恒星有行星(也就是像太阳的九大卫星).当一个巨大的行星围绕这,它就把它围绕的恒星拉到一边.有时候我们可以看到这个.然后我们就知道这个恒星有卫星.比如,Barnard’s Star 是一个小的红色的行星.它是宇宙里最快的行星.但是有时候它运行的很慢,然后又变快了.我们知道Barnard’s Star 很多年了,现在我们可以确定它有恒星.
累死我啦 ,终于翻译完了
( A )1.A star is a large body in the universe.It _______.行星是一个在宇宙里巨大的物体
A.moves round our sun 绕着太阳转 B.has light of its own自己发光
C.can also be called a sun 可以被称作太阳 D.both B and C
( C )2.Which of the following is not true?哪个不对
A.The earth is one of the sun’s world’s地球是太阳的一个天体
B.There are millions of suns in the universe宇宙里有数以百万计的“太阳”
C.The world’s are very bright 世界是光明的
D.some stars have planets一些恒星有行星
( )3.We can see the planets round our sun.But we can’t see ________.我们能看到行星绕着太阳,但是我们看不到...
A.nine worlds in the universe 宇宙里的9个天体
B.the planets round other stars行星绕着其他恒星
C.the satellites round the earth 卫星(人造的那种)绕着地球
D.other stars其他恒星
( B )4.Barnard’s Star moves more quickly than ________.Barnard’s Star运行的比...快
A.most stars 多数的恒星
B.any other star 其他的恒星
C.its planet 它的行星
D.the planets round the sun绕着太阳的行星
( A )5.How can people know that there is a planet round Barnard’s Star?人们怎么知道有行星围绕着Barnard’s Star转的呢?
A.Sometimes they see that the planet pulls the star to one side and makes it move slower.
B.The planet is shining行星发光
C.The planet is next to our earth.这个行星离地球很近
D.The planet is a red one.这个行星是红色的