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英语翻译We have many differentsocial selves because we see ourse

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 22:05:18
We have many different
social selves because we see ourselves somewhat differently with each person we
meet.With a stranger,we may be guarded and unsure of ourselves; a bossy,
critical employer may make us feel anxious and inferior,but a close friend can
makes us feel confident and affectionate.It’s not that we’re being two-faced
or untrue to ourselves.Rather,each of these people brings out a different
aspect of self,which in turn helps to shape the way we see ourselves.Because
of this we need to ask,“are there overly critical people who devalue us?” we
probably should avoid them.“are there others who see the best in us?” perhaps
we should seek them out more often.In both instances,we can change the way we
see ourselves by modifying the social influences on our lives.It would be
foolish to think we can change everything about ourselves in this way or that
we can always avoid negative people.But the notion of fluid,changing social
selves reminds us that we have more possibilities for change and personal
growth than we may be using.
"有没有一些过份挑剔而会贬损我们的人?" 我们也许应该对这类人敬而远之.
"有没有一些能够识别出我们优秀一面的人?" 我们也许应该多跟这类人亲而近之.
不过,别以为我们透过这种方法便可以改变自己的一切,也别以为自己总可以避开那些能带来负面影响的人.然而,"人的社会自我是不断变化的" 这种看法 (the notion of fluid,changing social