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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 00:05:15
For moving scales with fixed pointers Bradley (1954) postulated that the following principles generally would be desirable:
1 The scale should rotate in the same direction as its control knob (i.e. there should be a direct drive between control and display).
2 The scale numbers should increase from left to right
3 He control should turn clockwise to increase settings.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to incorporate all three of these principles into a single fixed-pointer moving-scale display and rotary control assembly. as known figure 10-5, only two of the principles must therefore be sacrificed, which should it be? To answer that question, Bradley tested various control-display assemblies, including the four shown in figure 10-5. The following criteria were used to evaluate the designs: starting errors (an initial movement in the wrong direction), setting errors (incorrect settings), and rankorder preferences of the subjects. Some of the results are shown at the bottom of figure 10-5.
From the result it is clear that direct-drive linkage between the control and display (assemblies A and B) is the most important principle to preserve. The next most important principle appears to be that the scale numbers increase from left to right. Of lesser importance is that a clockwise control movement results in an increased setting.
Rotary Controls And Linear Displays in the same Plan in the case of rotary controls and fixed-scale linear displays, the control can be placed above, below, to the left, or to the right of the display. Various compatibility principles have been defined for such circumstances. The first is warricj’s principle (Warrick, 1947), which can be described as the expectation that the pointer on the display will move in the same direction as that side of the control which is nearest to it. This principle applies only when the control is located to the side of the display.
为移动刻度与固定的指针要求的布拉德利 (1954) 下列的原则通常会是令人想要的:
1 刻度应该辐状的在那相同的方向当做它的控制拉手利.(也就是应该有一直接的驾驶在控制之间和展览)
2 刻度编号应该增加从左边到右边
3 他控制应该旋转顺时针方向的到增加设定.
不幸地, 将这些原则三项全部都纳入是不可能的一固定的-指针移动-刻度展览和旋转的控制集会. 作为已知的图 10-5, 不过原则中的二项一定因此是牺牲, 哪一个应该它是? 到答案疑问, 布拉德利测试各种不同的控制-展览的集会, 包括那四在图 10-5 显示. 下列的标准用来评估设计: 出发错误 (一起始错误的方向运动), 设定错误 (不正确的设定), 和 rankorder 偏爱那主题. 一些结果被显示在那底部图 10-5.
从那结果它是清楚的直接-驾驶连合在那之间控制和展览 (集会 A 和 B) 是最重要的原则到保护区. 那下一个大部分重要的原则似乎是那刻度数字增加从左边到右边. 较少的重要性是一顺时针方向的控制运动造成一增加的设定.
旋转的控制和线的展览在那相同的计划在旋转的情况控制和固定的-刻度线的展览, 那控制能是放置上方, 在下面, 到那左边, 或到那右边那展览. 各种不同的兼容性原则有是为如此的环境定义. 第一个是 warricj 的原则 (Warrick, 1947), 能是描述为期待指针在那之上展览意志动作在那相同的方向当做边那控制哪一个是近的对它. 只有当控制被位于到展览的边的时候,这一项原则应用.