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英语翻译Life in the OceansCovering three quarters of the earth’s

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 06:05:47
Life in the Oceans
Covering three quarters of the earth’s surface,oceans are as diverse as they are large.The open seas constitute an interesting and mysterious world full of bizarre and fascinating creatures.This ecosystem is a self-contained world with a complex food chain and many organisms that have adapted to extreme and unusual conditions,
From the shore to the deepest depths,oceans are home to a wide variety of life on earth.Animals live either on the sea bed or in mid-water where they swim or float.Plants are only found in the sunlit zone where there is enough light for them to grow either anchored to the bottom or drifting in the water.Animals are found at all depths of the oceans,but are most abundant in the sunlit zone where food is plentiful.Not all free-swimming animals stay in one zone-the sperm whale dives to over 500 m (1,650 ft) to feed on squid,returning to the surface to breathe air.Some animals from cold,deep waters,such as the Greenland shark in the Atlantic,are also found in the cold,surface waters of polar regions.Over 90 per cent of all species dwell on the bottom.One rock can be home to at least ten major types,such as corals,mollusks,and sponges.Most ocean animals and plants have their origins in the sea,but some like whales and sea grasses are descended from ancestors that once lived on land.
The Coral Kingdom
A reef is a coral community consisting of several thousand organisms living together.Although it looks like a dormant underwater bush,the reek is very much alive.Reefs grow very slowly over time.In fact,an inch of coral reef takes nearly 100 years to grow!
Coral reefs are found only in shallow,warm water.The water temperature is usually constant year round.The reef is made up of thousands of corals.When a coral dies,it leaves its skeleton of calcium carbonate behind..Young corals attach themselves to the old skeleton and the cycle starts again.Each new generation is built upon the remains of the previous generation.
The actual animal that makes up the physical coral is called a polyp.It is column shaped and attaches itself to the floor of the reef.The top end extends into the water and is free to move about.Thousands of individual polyps from a colony,which in turn forms a reef.
Coral reef have an amazing variety of marine life.Every bit of space on the reef provides a hiding place or shelter for amazing creatures emerge from coral caves and crevices to feed.People as well rely on coral reefs for they protect coastlines,attract tourists’ money,and some island nations live on coral atolls.Sadly,in spite of being one of the great natural wonders of the world,coral reefs are now under threat.Theses include unsustainable fishing practices (using dynamite),and pollution.
从岸边到水深最深,海洋是家里各种各样的地球上的生命.要么动物生活在海床或中水在那里,他们游泳或自由浮动.只有植物中发现阳光地带有足够的根据他们要么扎根成长的底部或漂浮在水中.动物被发现在所有深度的海洋,但最丰富的阳光地带丰富的食物.并非所有的自由游泳的动物留在一区抹香鲸潜水超过500米(一千六百五英尺) ,以捕食鱿鱼,返回地面呼吸空气.有些动物从冷,深水域,如格陵兰鲨鱼在大西洋,也发现在寒冷,地表水的极地区域.超过百分之九十的所有物种谈的底部.一个岩石可家至少有10个主要类型,如珊瑚,软体动物,和海绵.大多数海洋动物和植物都起源于海洋,但有些像鲸和海草的后裔祖先曾经生活在陆地上.
珊瑚礁有一个惊人的各种海洋生物.每一点空间的珊瑚礁提供了一个藏身之地或住所出现惊人的生物从珊瑚礁的洞穴和裂缝,以饲料.人民以及依靠珊瑚礁为他们保护海岸线,吸引游客¯钱,和一些岛屿国家生活在珊瑚环礁.可悲的是,尽管是一个伟大的自然奇观的世界,珊瑚礁正受到威胁.论文包括不可持续的捕捞做法(使用炸药) ,和污染.