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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 02:29:47
1.Early that morning,they reached a small town,north of Philippine Islands.
A./; the B.the; / C.the; the D./; / (A)
2.Since World WarⅡ,Britain has become increasingly diverse in culture while English is still the dominant and official language.
A.the; the B.the; / C./; the D./; / (C)
问:后一空解析上说the English language= English,可又没有language,为什么要加the呢?
3.The new series of books are a very welcome to the newly-built library.
A.addition B.arrival C.inclusion D.opinion (A)
4.Somebody disrespecting you,getting in your way,slowing you down,and having better opportunities than you,not reasonable reasons for being pessimistic towards life.
A.is; / B.are; / C.is; the D.are; the (D)
问:这题我认为Somebody作整句的主语,然后从disrespecting you,getting……than you都是Somebody的定语,翻译为某些不尊敬你…的人不是让你对生活悲观的合理理由.所以我选A.
5.Primer Zhou,who we all admire,spared no effort in performing his duty.
A.the one B.one C.it D.as (B)
问:解析说that和the one代替定冠词或表示特殊的名词,泛指的单数名词用one.这里Primer Zhou不是算为表示特殊的名词,因为是独一无二的人名,所以我想选A.
6.–What do you think of his newly-released album?
–I really enjoy it.I didn’t expect it was wonderful.
A.as B.more C.most D.very (A)
问:为什么这句算是省略句,我选very为什么不行?还有I didn’t expect it was as wonderful.这句怎么翻译啊,否定放在主句还是从句中?
7.He had been left alone for scarcely two minutes,and when we came back we found him in his armchair,to sleep——but forever.
A.peacefully gone B.peacefully going (A)
8.His presentation of the whole project was so vivid that we could understand it with .
A.possibly the least effort B.the possible least effort
C.the least effort possibly D.the least possible effort (D)
问:我是这样想的understand it with the least effort是一起的,possibly作understand的修饰,这和D解释起来不是差不多么,而且感觉语法也没错,为啥呢?
9.A(n) cause of your failure is your arrogance and ignorance.
A.original B.basic C.important D.primary (D)
10.The collection of Celtic Music is very beautiful,enchanting and spiritual.It is worth over and over.
A.very; listening to B.very; listening C.well; listening to D.well; listening (C)
问:后一空listening to后没有宾语,为什么还要加to?
11.as the main reason for the recent world-wide economic problems is the fact that the US government would hardly accept.
A.Regarding B.To regard C.Regarded D.Being regarded (C)
12.Some of the schools in Shanghai have moved one step closer to with the global education community through the Internet.
A.been connected B.connected C.connecting D.being connected (D)
问:只有be/come close to加doing,为什么这里的to也作介词加doing呢?
13.Hot air accompanied by high relative humidity feels warmer than .
A.is it actually B.it actually is C.actually it is D.actually is it (B)
14.It the manager that spoke to you just now.
A.can be B.is C.must have been D.will be (C)
4.Somebody disrespecting you,getting in your way,slowing you down,and having better opportunities than you,not reasonable reasons for being pessimistic towards life.
A.is; / B.are; / C.is; the D.are; the (D)
问:这题我认为Somebody作整句的主语,然后从disrespecting you,getting……than you都是Somebody的定语,翻译为某些不尊敬你…的人不是让你对生活悲观的合理理由.所以我选A.
动名词的逻辑主语,多用名词或人称代词的所格表示,作宾语时也可能用名词普通格或人称代词的宾格.照理作主语是应用所有格:somebody's ,这里用somebody不知道什么原因.
再问: 实在不好意思~因为这些题是分开来的话实在太麻烦,所以干脆提高悬赏。而且我看很多人往往是瞎答的,所以偶认为能回答全部的一定是大神~谢谢啦~
再答: 其实不麻烦,Ctrl+C,Ctrl+V而已。想一想,这么好的题目,答案也有了,不能一句话点到为止吧。就是这样,14道题目答下了,也要花很多时间。你只能采纳一人的。其它辛苦答了半天,也就2分参与分。你也不好意思啊。只答一题,不如人家好,没采纳也就算了。 还有,14题,如果大家都回答差不多,比如3错11对,你如何选择? 悬赏30分,你以为是30美分? 你以为大家奔你这30个虚拟分来答题啊!
再问: 嗯~偶错了,不过现在把这关了重开一个吗么~
再答: He had been left alone for scarcely two minutes, and when we came back we found him in his armchair, to sleep——but forever. A. peacefully gone B. peacefully going (A) 问:go对于he来说不是主动吗,所以我选了B。 答:这个问题不错。现在分词doing sth. 是表示主动的。过去分词done,是表被动的。所以你的想法是有道理的。不过,你可别忘了,不是所有的过去分词都是表示被动的,不及物动词的过去分词,只表完成,不表被动,如the fallen leaves = the leaves which has fallen 这里的gone是不及物动词,变过来的形容词。见过The days are gone when we used foreign oil.吗? 正因为它已经是一个形容词了,所以可以用副词peacefully来修饰。 译:他单独留下就那么两分钟,当我们回来时,发现他坐在扶手椅子里,安详地睡去了--永远地睡去了。 答:可以啊。我会选我认为有必要回答的题进行回答。太简单的,让别人答去吧。 建议你将问题提到《选择题》下,这里太容易沉下去。