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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 15:09:08
STEP THREE I Eyes wide open
Be prepared to exomine everything in yaur haspital—instrument trays, item requisitions,
patients-and ta dacument their every move. When Fairfield Medical
Center in Lancaster, Ohio, took a lean look at its value-analysis process, Materials
Clinical Coordinator Marilyn Hargett created mops and flowchorts to clock every
second in the life of an exam glove. "You would be shocked at how many steps
one glove tokes," she says.
STEP FOUR I Inside out?
Should yau hire o lean consultant? Or can yau implement changes yourself?
Despite the initial six-figure costs. Lynch needed someone to show her the lean
rapes. Far subsequent prajects. Lynch relied more on her awn experienced staff.
Others have put a lean consultant on their full-time payroll.
STEP FIVE I A change is gonna come
Change isn't easy-particularly when you're the one being changed. "Everyone
loves change—when it happens to someane else," says Lewis Lefteraff, senior consultant
at VoluMetrix Services, a divisian of Jahnson & Johnson based in Raritan
Bay, N J. By shawing yaur staff that you are cammitted to a leon philosophy and
dedicated to making their jabs easier, you can persuade them ta sign on for the
ride. "People are finally saying, 'Maybe I actually need ta change the way I am
doing things,'" Lefteroff says. MMHC
problems—so convinced that she built
reduced supply costs, full-time equivalents
and other lean savings into her budget.
一些词正确理解就可以了,如yaur haspital可能是your hospital
第三步 睁大眼睛
第四步 里外颠倒面?
第五步 总会有一个变化
变化是不容易的,尤其是当你作为一个正在被改变者.“每个人都喜欢变化,当这种变化发生在其它人身上“,Lewis Lefteraff说.Lewis Lefteraff是VoluMetrix服务中心的高级顾问,该中心是位于Raritan海湾的一个区域.通过告诉你的员工你在执行的哲学和你在使他们工作简单,你可以让他们签写记录.人们最终会说,或许我真的需要改变我做事的习惯了,Lefteraff说.