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hardly/scarcely … when 位于句首如何使用?并且可否在句子的其他位置使用?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 19:06:12
hardly/scarcely … when 位于句首如何使用?并且可否在句子的其他位置使用?
例如had i hardly/scarcely got home wehen it began to rain.和i had hardly/scarcely got home wehen it began to rain.两个句子之间哪个正确?
“hardly…when(before)…”和“scarcely…when(before)…”这两个结构在含义上与as soon as及no sooner…than相近,都作“一……就……”解.hardly(scarcely)引出主句,when(before)引出从句,主句的动作与从句的动作一前一后紧接着发生.有人主张主句的谓语动词要用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时.
"hardly…When(before)…”和“Scarcely…when(before)…”这两个结构在含义上与as soon as及no Sooner…than相近,都作“一……就……”解.hardly(scarcely)引出主句,when(before)引出从句,主句的动作与从句的动作一前一后紧接着发生.有人主张主句的谓语动词要用过去完成
Hardly and scarcely both mean 'almost not' or 'only just'.For example,if you hardly had time to do something,you almost did not have time.Scarcely is more formal or literary.
Hardly和scarcely意思都是“几乎不”或者“刚刚”(表程度).例如:you hardly had time to do something意味着你几乎没时间做某事.相比之下scarcely更正式、更书面.
• I hardly had time to ask her name.
• We had scarcely arrived when he asked us to leave.
Hardly and scarcely can also be used with 'ever' to mean 'not often,almost never',with 'any' to mean 'very few,almost none'.
• I've got hardly any money left.
• Hardly anyone agreed with her.
In speech,it is usual to say that you hardly ever do something,rather than that you rarely do it.
在演讲时,通常都说hardly ever do something,而不说rarely do something.
• I hardly ever go to the cinema.
再问: 那么hardly/scarcely had i got home when it began to rain.是否正确呢