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英语翻译1.The participants should bephysically and psychological

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 15:16:45
1.The participants should bephysically and psychologically fit to participate in the workshop.
2.Abstracts sent to theconference may be written in English or Chinese.English abstracts should notbe no more than 200 words.
3.The VIP will be providedwith local expenses,including hotel accommodation and meals.So,I sincerelyhope that you will accept the invitation.
4.This conference sits in themiddle between those that are theoretical and practice-oriented.
5.The purpose of thisconference is to educate the professional software engineer in how to apply AItechniques to real problems.
6.When it first came intobeing,the Earth very likely lacked what we would today call an ocean andatmosphere.
7.The communities that can’tsurvive ----either because people lose interest or get sacred off---will simplywither away.
8.It is easy to see entropyin marriages,when the partners are too preoccupied to patch small things up,almost guaranteeing that they will fall apart.
9.Barring interference fromoutside,the eater and the eaten retain their proper numbers and both arebetter for it.
10.The more factors in theequation---the more players in the game---the less likely it is that theirpaths will coincide in an orderly way.
11.On behalf of theorgaizing committee,I have the honor to invite you to give a key note speechat the conference.
12.We offer you a round tripticket plus a short term insurance for accidental injury and illness.
要求研讨会与会人员身心健康.可向大会提供英文或中文摘要;如英文摘要,要求字数在200字以上.由于会向VIP提供包括宾馆吃住费用在内的当地费用,因此,我真诚希望您能应邀前来.本次会议立场介于理论和实践之间.本次会议旨在为专业软件工程师提供关于如何将技术运用于实际问题中的培训.在地球形成的初期,上面很可能没有我们今天称之为海洋和大气层之类的东西. 如果社区因为人们兴趣全无而无法维持,将只会面临消亡的厄运.如果夫妻俩过于为小事而发生争执,则注定会分离的,而这是一种常见的婚姻问题.如果排除外界的干扰,食肉动物和被吃动物都保持一个适当的数量,这样对双方都有好处.作为组委会代表,我十分荣幸能够邀请您在大会上发表主旨演讲.我们提供含短期意外伤害或疾病保险的往返机票.仅供参考,望能帮助到你,呵呵!