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关于英文散文Love's Witness的问题 下面两个句末的单词帮我分析下

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/03 18:20:24
关于英文散文Love's Witness的问题 下面两个句末的单词帮我分析下
They're serious Thoughts,digested and resolv'd;
And last,when Words are into Clouds devolv'd.
古英语 或诗歌用法,省略一些音节保持音韵节律
古英语最古的过去式是 resolveth devolveth 后来用 resolv'd devolv'd 再后来标准化为 resolved devolved
再问: 果然很牛 再考考你 这个短文的女作者是谁?
再答: Love's Witness --- by Aphra Behn http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/180877 ABOUT THIS POEM Poet Aphra Behn POET’S REGION England SCHOOL / PERIOD 17th Century Subjects Love, Romantic Love 一个译本在这里 http://www.enread.com/poems/zhongying/84364.html 作者介绍:Aphra Behn 下文其实就在这里:http://www.poetryfoundation.org/bio/aphra-behn 当然还要您自己看看伪鸡摆科等等啦。 Aphra Behn 1640–1689 Aphra Behn, one of the most influential dramatists of the late seventeenth century, was also a celebrated poet and novelist..... 这里说她是17世纪后期影响最大的英语剧作家、又是诗人和小说家。 ...Her contemporary reputation was founded primarily on her "scandalous" plays, which she claimed would not have been criticized for impropriety had a man written them. Behn's assertion of her unique role in English literary history is confirmed not only by the extraordinary circumstances of her writings, but by those of her life history as well. No one really knows her birth name or when exactly she was born.... 好像莎翁啊,那些,这个时代的人都生世不详,估计是个不拘一格降人才的和谐的旧社会吧。反正也快到启蒙时代了。 ...Her parentage has been traced to Wye, and tradition has it that she was born in 1640. One version of her life postulates that her parents were a barber, John Amis, and Amy, his wife. Another speculation about Behn has her the child of a couple named Cooper. However, an essay by the unidentified "One of the Fair Sex" affixed to the collection of The Histories And Novels of the Late Ingenious Mrs. Behn (1696) maintains that Aphra was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson of nearby Canterbury. Johnson was a gentleman related to Francis, Lord Willoughby, who appointed him lieutenant general of Surinam, for which Willoughby was the royal patentee.Whether ... 您可以自己查古戈的,问我我也就是问古戈。您学英语的吧?古戈现在是个动词哦!