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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 03:49:03
Rock,Hollywood,Disney,this is the most common sense of American culture that people in this country where the rich culture of fast food,there will be arts What?The answer is yes.Three hundred years the achievements of the United States in the arts has distinct characteristics and personality.The greatest feature of American modern art is advancing with the times,and daily life.From the first day of the birth of the State,the United States,artists put their own creativity and countries closer together,whether the War of Independence,Civil War,Spanish-American War in the reign of terror,or the rough hardships of western development,both lines of the times surprise,or the tragic fire in Chicago,can get in a vivid and profound artistic expression.Some may say that the road is difficult to produce art and Masterpieces of the master for a generation,but it is a source of endless creativity,and produce absolutely no appreciation of generations of creating a good atmosphere.) T) K = R9N
Another American modern art is characterized by the Sea,eclectic.Jazz,blues have distinctive black origin,country music has a strong European country music full of nutrients,pop art and modern abstract paintings from the French ......built in the 20th century,30 years New York Museum of Modern Art called "modern art world First Temple ",the most proud of is the Picasso collection has more" Avignon girls,"Matisse" The Piano "that foreign goods.However,not be used to mechanically copy,but in digest form the basis of the modern art of the United States itself,the traditional genres,routines and techniques of the lines need to give more room for American artists.On this basis and the atmosphere,the United States reflect the diversity of modern art,courage to innovate and the courage to break with traditional features.KJ'MK
United States,the third major characteristic of modern art and fashion is,secular closely.Building schools from Boston to the Pop art of the stylized,Hollywood blockbusters from a hot reheat something presentable and acceptable to the board the epidemic of classical music,American modern art is always dressed in a shiny coat fashion.You can blame it philistine,it fast-food oriented,it can not represent the highest art,but you can not blame its success:the ordinary people need art,modern art is the United States they are most receptive to the type.
American modern art form that has the characteristics of deep background.The United States is a young country,young and less than one means that inside information,forcing them to learn in the arts around the world to seek and nutrients; the other hand,means less prejudice,set type and binding,daring,dare to innovate.In addition,the general affluence of American society had a large number of enthusiastic patron of the arts business supporters,their devotion and cultural funding,organize cultural exchange and promotion of activities to promote the development of modern art.Second World War U.S.global influence than ever before were also made of modern art in the United States to generate an unprecedented worldwide impact.Of course,businessmen and government intervention,it is difficult to avoid the stench of art and excessive speculation.Industrialization of culture,fast food in the prosperity of the American cultural sector and the cultural market,but also cause many defects:almost all of the Hollywood Foreign familiar to the American singer,actor,star familiar,but few know what the unique creative works of art,and those same little full of creativeness is highbrow art film and music production.
Now that America's cultural products,as always,is popular worldwide,but more and more popular in Europe,the Far East,the United States question the taste of cultural products,criticism,mocking voice has always loud with.This contradiction may be equally subtle in the United States indispensable to a modern art scene.
英语翻译摇滚乐、好莱坞、迪斯尼,这都是人们最常感受到的美国文化,在这个盛产文化快餐的国度里,会有艺术么?答案是肯定的.三 英语翻译独具特色的美国儿童教育文化原文是放在整句中的“迪斯尼向全世界展示了独具特色的美国儿童教育文化。”这句话中心词的修 热爱的力量阅读答案热爱的力量美国是一个酷爱篮球的国度.这个国度里有一个视篮球如生命的孩子.就是他,后来让美国人一提到篮球 热爱的力量阅读答案美国是一个酷爱蓝球的国度.这个国度里有一个视蓝球如生命的孩子.就是他后来让美国人一提到蓝球,就找到了荣 热爱的力量 美国是一个酷爱篮球的国度.这个国度里有一个视篮球如生命的孩子.就是他,后来让美国人一提 英语翻译男大当婚,女大当嫁,婚嫁是人生中的一件大事.在中国这个古老的东方国度里,人们对婚嫁礼仪非常重视.《礼记昏义》曰“ 英语翻译时装、香水、美食,是法国形象的三大象征.在这个浪漫而艺术的国度,饮食早已不仅仅是生存的必需,它更是一种生活的哲学 染毛鼠的国度在我们的国度里,老鼠主要分为两种,一种是白鼠,一种是黑鼠.这并不稀奇,我想无论在那种生物的国度里,总是会有些 有没有“文化快餐”的例子? 阅读短文,完成练习. 阅读短文,完成练习. 迪斯尼和米老鼠   沃尔特·迪斯尼是美国最负盛名的人物之一.他在少年时代,曾 英语翻译英国文化绘画1913年,一个现代艺术的展览会在纽约市的兵工大厦举行.这个兵工大厦画展大大改革了美国艺术,一群写实 热爱的力量美国是一个酷爱篮球的国度.这个国度里有一个视篮球如生命的孩子.就是他,后来让美国人一提到篮球,就感到了荣耀和自