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Some time ago, two navy officers made a journey to the deepe

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 18:20:30

Some time ago, two navy officers made a journey to the deepest point on the earth. The two men went down seven miles to the__1__of the Pacific Ocean inside a small steel ball to find out if there are any__2__of life.
They set out early so that the ball would come to the surface in the__3__and so be easily found by the mother ship. The divers began__4__at dawn and soon afterwards the ball__5__under the surface of the water.
__6__, the temperature dropped to freezing point and the men trembled inside the ball. They kept in touch with the mother ship by telephone__7__how they felt. At a depth of 3,000 feet, the telephone stopped working and they were quite cut__8__from the outside world. At 30,000 feet, the men were shocked by a sudden loud__9__- even the smallest hole in the ball would have__10__instant death. Luckily, it was only one of the outer windows__11__had broken.
Soon afterwards, the ball__12__the soft ocean floor, raising a big cloud of "dust" made__13__different kinds of small, dead sea animals. Here, powerful lights lit up the __14__water. The men were surprised to see fish swimming just above them, quite__15__ by the very large water pressure. But they did not__16__to leave lights on for long, as the great__17__from them made the water boil. Quite__18__, the telephone began working again and the weak__19__ clear voices of the officers were heard on the mother ship. After a__20__of thirty minutes the men began their journey up, arriving three hours later.
1. A. foot          B. base         C. bottom       D. tip
2. A. marks         B. signs        C. signals       D. messages
3. A. evening        B. night       C. secret        D. daytime
4. A. diving         B. rising       C. traveling      D. preparations
5. A. disappeared    B. floated       C. threw        D. flew
6. A. In time        B. On time      C. At times      D. At one time
7. A. guiding       B. realizing      C. describing     D. imagining
8. A. down         B. over         C. off           D. out
9. A. voice         B. noise        C. explosion     D. shout
10. resulted         B. suggested     C. meant        D. saved
11. A. where        B. that          C. which        D. whose
12. A. touched      B. visited        C. attacked      D. landed
13. A. of           B. from        C. up of         D. into
14. A. green        B. blue          C. dark         D. hot
15. A. unbelieved    B. unchanged    C. uncovered     D. untroubled
16. A. use          B. need         C. dare          D. think
17. A. light         B. heat         C. pressure       D. sound
18. A. unexpected    B. uncovered    C. unknown      D. uncontrolled
19. A. or           B. and          C. but           D. either
20. A. living        B. stay          C. rest          D. break

1---20     CBDDA   ACCBC   BACCD   CBACB  

1. C 2. B。两名海军军官乘坐一个小钢球船潜入水下七海里至太平洋底部,想发现那里是否有生命存在的迹象。
3. D。根据下文可知,此处应该填名词daytime, in the daytime意为"在白天"。
4. D 5. A。天一亮潜水员们就开始准备,之后不久钢球船就潜入水下。
6. A。in time在此句中意为"过一段时间",而不是"及时"的意思。
7. C。describing是现在分词作状语,意为"描述"。
8. C。cut off是固定词组,意"隔绝"。
9. B。由下文可知,此处是指"噪音",而不是"爆炸"。
10. C。钢球船上甚至是微小的一个洞都将意味着(潜水员的)立刻死亡。
11. B。本句中的it was...that...是强调句型。
12. A。touched相当于landed on或reached。
13. C。钢球船到达太平洋洋底时,由各种各样的很小的死亡的海洋动物构成的一大团"尘雾"升腾而起。
14. C。由于洋底很深,阳光照射不到,故称为dark water。
15. D。完全不受强大的水压的干扰。
16. C。dare在此处是实义动词。
17. B。本句中的them是指the lights, 强光发出的热量会使海水沸腾。
18. A。unexpected是过去分词作状语,意为"完全出乎意料之外"。
19. C。潜水员听到了从指挥船上传来指挥官很小但很清晰的声音。
20. B。在太平洋洋底逗留了三十分钟后,潜水员开始返程,三小时后浮出水面。