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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/15 05:15:29
Diamond Dogs was to be the turning point in Bowie’s career. Renaming 1974 “The Year of the Diamond Dogs” was part of the campaign by Bowie’s management to explain his formative year away from performing and to sell his new image. Bowie wasn’t going to be Ziggy Stardust anymore. He was going to throw a wrench into the time-honored machinery of pop stardom by splitting with his past image and repositioning himself as a musical chameleon, a pretentious changeling with no real identity beyond the parts he played and the costumes he wore. The futuristic hell portrayed in the lyrics and on the album cover suggested a reason for throwing Ziggy to the dogs: the decadent life of rock stardom had destroyed his sensibilities. Luckily, the album Diamond Dogs had a few catchy tunes among the dystopian posturing: “Rebel, Rebel” was Bowie’s most radio-ready hit yet.
专辑“钻石狗”成为了Bowie的演艺生涯中的转折点.他的经纪人团队将1974年命名为“钻石狗之年”,是他形成新形象并发售专辑大型活动的一部分.Bowie以与过去完全不同的的新形象出现,并重树一个音乐人的行动来宣告他不会再回Ziggy Stardust公司了,并向有着悠久历史的机械音乐明星传统发起挑战.他着装古怪,演奏超出了传统,自命不凡.专辑封面的歌词和对未来地狱的描述解释了他离开Ziggy走向dogs的原因.颓唐的生活几乎毁掉他音乐上面的灵感.幸运的是,“钻石狗”这张专辑中有一些反乌托邦的音乐曲调优雅,便于流传.“Rebel,Rebel”是Bowie的点击率最高的电台音乐.