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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 08:10:50
Once upon a time,there is a little boy named Kevin.His best friend is Andrew,Andrew is a dog,everyday when the school is over,his dog will go to the front of the school to welcome this little boy.They will go to the park to play together,and they are so happy.One day the little boy could not find Andrew,he ran to his home and asked his mom,"Mom,did you see my dog?" "No,what happened,sweety?"his mom asked the little boy,but he did not answer it.His mom asked again.The little boy started to cry " I can't find Andrew." It is ok,sweety.We will find him." mom stroked the little boy's head,his mom bring him to a pet store and to buy a new puppy ,"I don't want buy a new dog,I want my Andrew." the little boy yelled."Sweety,come on,he is just a dog,it is ok,you can have a new one." and his mother chose a little puppy for him,but the little boy was still thinking about him and his dog playing,running in the park,but it would not going to happened any more.His mom said,"Let's take the little puppy go to the park and paly." they go in the park and walking on the road,the little boy hear a very familiar voice,the little boy ran to the basketball court,and saw Andrew is crying under the basketball stank,when his dog saw the little boy,he run on the little boy.The little boy is so happy that he found his dog,they went to run around of the park.His mom was so happy to see the little boy playing with Andrew,the little boy and Andrew was having a lot of good time .从前,有一个叫凯文的小男孩.他最好的朋友是安得烈,安得烈是一只狗,每天放学后,他的狗会去学校前迎接这个小男孩.他们将一起去公园玩,他们很快乐.一天,小男孩找不到安得烈,他跑回家,问他的妈妈,“妈妈,你看见我的狗吗?”没有,怎么了,宝贝?”他妈妈问小男孩,但是他没有回答.他的妈妈又问.小男孩开始哭了起来,“我找不到安得烈.“很好,亲爱的.我们会找到他.”妈妈抚摸着小男孩的头,他妈妈带他去宠物店买一只新的小狗,“我不想买一个新的狗,我想让我的安得烈.”小男孩喊道.”亲爱的,来吧,他只是一只狗,它是好的,你可以有一个新的.”他的母亲给他挑选了一只小狗,但小男孩仍然对他和他的狗玩的思维,在公园里跑步,但它会不会发生任何更多.他的妈妈说,“让我们把小狗去公园玩.”他们去公园,走在路上,小男孩听到一个非常熟悉的声音,小男孩跑向篮球场,看到安得烈哭着篮球令,当他的狗看见小男孩,他跑的小男孩.那个小男孩很高兴,他找到了他的狗,他们去了周围的公园.他的妈妈很高兴看到小男孩玩安得烈,小男孩和安得烈有很多好的时间.