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英语翻译Dear john thank you for yuor last letter.Im very gland t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 07:31:57
Dear john thank you for yuor last letter.Im very gland to hear that yuo will come to Hainan for yuor wimter vacation.Yuo ashed me something about our is land.Our is land is beantifu.It lies in the sooth of china.It's the second lanrgest is land in china .The weafhar here is neitler too hot wer too cold.The people lere are vary froody.And we hane a populantion of eight millem.There are wayplans of interest,such us Hairui Tomb,Haikou Holiday Bech,WanquanRiveyound,Yalong Bay.The capital of the is land is Haikou.It's thenorth of the is land.And sang a is anotha famouschty.It's in the south.Youcan go swimming and surf of theer.Are go imterested in it's i hope you can come soon.(可能有些单词错误!)
感谢你之前的来信.我怀抱一颗鸡冻的心情听说你将要去海南度过你的寒假.你之前问过我想知道海南的一些基本情况,海南岛是坐落于中国南海美丽的海岛,是中国的第二大的岛.气候适宜、当地人非常的友好.岛内大约有800万居民人口.岛内有许多名胜古迹,如海瑞故居 海口度假沙滩 黄泉水泉 亚龙湾.海南省的省会是海口. 其岛内北部为陆地.三亚是另外一个很著名的城市 它位于海南省南部 你可以在哪里游泳或者冲浪 我已经迫不及待你的到来
终于完了 天啊 这分一定要要给我啊 翻译不下去了 这么多错 你杀了我吧 这尼玛太坑爹了