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英语翻译You've probably heard the expression,"What you see is wh

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 00:11:05
You've probably heard the expression,"What you see is what you get." My grandfather used to say."If you 36 a tree long enough,it will move." We see 37 we want to see.Psychologists tells us that 38 controls our life more than our selfimage.We live like the person we see in the 39 .We are what we think we are.If you don't think you'll be successful,you 40 .You can't be it if you can't see it.Your life is 41 to your vision.If you want to change your 42 ,you must change your vision of life.
Arnold Schwarzenegger was not that famous when he 43 a newspaper reporter.The reporter asked Schwarzenegger:“ 44 you've retired from body building,what do you plan to do next?”Schwarzenegger answered very calmly and 45 :"I’m going to become the No.1 movie star in Hollywood.”The reporter was 46 and amused at Schwarzenegger's plan.At that time,it was very hard to 47 how this muscle-bound bodybuilder,who was not a
48 actor and who spoke poor English with a strong Australian accent,could ever 49 to be Hollywood's No.1 movie star
So the reporter asked Schwarzenegger 50 he planned to make his dream come true,Schwarzenegger said:“I'll do it the same 51 I became the No.1 bodybuilder in the world.What I do is create a vision of who I want to be,then I start living like that person in my 52 as if it were already true.” Sounds almost childishly 53 ,doesn't it?But it 54 Schwarzenegger did become the No.1 highest paid movie star in Hollywood!Remember:“If you can see it,you can 55 it.”
37.A.what B.where C.that D.why
38.A.something B.everything C.nothing D.anything
39.A.water I3.picture C.novel D.mirror
40 A.don't B.won't C.can't D.will
41 A.limited B.contributed C.devoted D.offered
42 A.idea B.image C.life D.vision
43 A.turned into B.met with C.acted as D.worked as
44 A.Now that B.Even if C.In case D.Only ii
45 A.proudly B.anxiouslyC.confidently D.happily
46 A.surprised B.excited C.disappointed D.scared
47 A.report B.imagine C.find D.judge
48 A.famous B.good C.professional D.popular
49.A.hope B.have C.fail D.happen
50.A.when B.why C.what D.how
51.A.chance B.method C.way D.effort
52.A.film B.play C.family D.mind
53.A.foolish B.simple C.funny D.clever
54.A.succeeded B.worked C.did D.completed
55.A.move B.leave C.get D.touch
您可能听过的表达, “你看到的是,您得到什么” .我的祖父曾经说过. “如果你36一棵树足够长的时间,它会动议” .我们看到37 ,我们所不愿看到的.心理学家告诉我们, 38个控制我们的生活比我们更selfimage .我们生活的人一样,我们看到,在39 .我们是什么,我们认为我们是.如果你不相信您一定会获得成功,你40 .你不能,如果你不能看到它.您的生活是41至您的愿景.如果您想要变更您的42 ,你必须改变您的视觉生活.
阿诺是不是著名的当他43报社记者.有记者问施瓦辛格: “ 44您退休从班子建设,你有什么计划,接下来该怎么办? ”施瓦辛格回答非常冷静和45 : “我要成为第1号影星在好莱坞的”记者为46和有趣,在施瓦辛格的计划.在那个时间,这是很难47如何,这肌肉方向的健美运动员,谁不是一个
因此,有记者问施瓦辛格50 ,他计划使他梦想成真,施瓦辛格说: “我会做相同的51我成了第1号的健美运动员在世界上.我所要做的是创造一个愿景是谁,我想,然后我开始生活一样,人在我52就好像它已经真正“的声音几乎childishly 53 ,不是吗?但54 !施瓦辛格并成为第1号薪资最高的影星在好莱坞!请记住: “如果你能看到它,您就可以55它” .
37 .答:什么b.如长认为,四,为什么
38 .答:乙的一切东西长无关四什么
39 .答:水I 3 .图片长小说四一面镜子
45甲自豪地乙anxiouslyc .满怀信心四愉快
49 .答:希望乙已长未能出现四
50 .答:当B.为什么长什么D.如何
51 .答:机会,乙长的方式方法,四努力
52 .答:电影乙发挥长家庭四记
53 .答:愚蠢的乙简单的长搞笑四聪明
54 .答:成功乙长的工作没有完成四
55 .答:动议乙离开长取得联系,四