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英语翻译it has been observed that all Americans need a frontier:

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 10:09:51
it has been observed that all Americans need a frontier:pain was hers,and she was determined to push it out.
Once ,I shyly gave her a necklace of flowers(queen-of-the-night for my lily-of -the-eve),bought with my own pocket - money from a hawker- woman at Scandal Point.' I don't wear flowers,' Evelyn Lilith said,and tossed the unwanted chain into the air,spearing it before it fell with a pellet from her unerring Daisy air-pistol.Destroying flowers with a Daisy,she served notice that she was not to be manacled,not even by a necklace:she was our capricious .whirligig Lill-of-the-Hill.And also Eve.The Adam's-apple of my eye.
How she arrived:Sonny Ibrahim ,Eyeslice and Hairoil Sabarmati,Cyrus Dubash,the Monkey and I were playing French cricket in the circus-ring between Methwold's four palaces.A New Year's Day game:Toxy clapping at her barred window; even Bi-Appah was in good humour and not,for once,abusing us.Cricket-even French cricket,and even when played by children-is a quiet game:peace anointed in linseed oil.The kissing of leather and willow; sprinkled applause; the occasional cry-' Shot!Shot,sir!'-'Owzatt?'but Evie on her bicycle was having none of that.
' Hey,you!Alia you Hey ,whassamatter?You all deaf or what?'
I was batting( elegantly as Ranji,powerfully as Vinoo Mankad )when she charged up the hill on her two-wheeler,straw hair flying ,freckles ablaze,mouth-metal flashing semaphore messages in the sunlight,a scarecrow astride a silver bullet...' Hey,you widda leaky nose!Stop watching the schoopid ball,ya crumb!I' ll showya something worth watching!'
一次,我害羞地给了她一条项链花(女王型的夜晚我的百合花型的前夕) ,购买与自己的口袋-钱从一个小贩女人在丑闻点. '我不戴花,伊夫林莉莉丝说,扔不想要的链到空气中, spearing前下降了球从她的无误雏菊空气手枪.破坏花了菊花,她还担任通知,她并没有被脚镣,甚至没有一个项链:她是我们的反复无常.轮回Lill型的Hill.And也除夕.该Adam's苹果我的眼睛.
她如何抵达:桑尼易卜拉欣Eyeslice和Hairoil萨巴玛蒂,赛勒斯Dubash ,猴和我都打板球在法国马戏团环之间Methwold的四个宫殿.阿元旦游戏: Toxy她鼓掌禁止窗口;甚至必Appah是在良好的幽默感,而不是第一次,虐待我们.板球,甚至法国板球,甚至当起儿童是一个安静的游戏:在和平受膏者亚麻油.在亲吻皮革和柳树;撒上掌声;偶尔哭, '铅球!铅球,先生! ' -' O wzatt? ? ' ,但她的不满是有自行车没有了这一点.