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英语翻译英国赛马趣谈British people say horse racing is the sport of ki

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 02:59:36
British people say horse racing is the sport of kings.Sometimes,though,two horses reach the end together.The judge has to decide which horse is the first by looking at a photograph.People in the racing world call this a "photo finish".The winning horse wins by "a head" or "a horse".
Sometimes,the judge makes a mistake.One judge had to decide a dark-color horse or a pale horse won the race.He had to make the decision quickly,so he studied the photo finish from a negative.In negatives of photographs dark color is always light and light color is dark.The judge forgot that,and said," The pale horse won." When the negative was made into a photograph you could see that dark horse was the winner.But it was too late.The people who bet money on the pale horse won and the people who bet on the dark horse lost!
Notes:negative n.照相底片 photo finish 看照片定输赢 bet v.打赌
pale adj.苍白的,暗淡的 -light
英国的人说,马照跑,是国王运动.有时,虽然两个马匹达到终点在一起.有关法官已决定哪马匹是第一看一张照片.人们在赛车世界致电这是一个"图片整理" .得奖的马匹赢出"头"或"指鹿为马" .
有时,法官作出错误的.一名法官必须决定一个黑暗色马匹或苍白马匹赢得了比赛.他不得不作出决定很快,所以他研究了照片完成从一个负面的.在底片的照片,深色永远是轻型和颜色的光线,是黑暗中摸索.法官忘了,并说:"苍白马匹获胜" ;当消极被改编成一张照片,你可以看出,黑马是赢家.但为时已晚.人下注的钱放在苍白马韩元和人打赌就黑马失去!