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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 22:58:08
请老师总结M7知识点…… 全一点至少30条……谢谢
解题思路: 如下
Module7 Unit1复习资料
1.smell delicious闻起来美味的 smell +adj.
2. feel tight摸起来紧的 feel + adj.
3. look strong看起来强壮的 look + adj.
4. smell sour闻起来酸的 smell + adj.
5. taste salty尝起来咸的 taste + adj.
6. sound quiet听起来安静的 sound + adj.
7. make a pizza做比萨
8. have some!吃一些吧!
9. What's the matter with sb. 什么事 =What's wrong with sb.
10.too strong气味太浓,太强壮 too+ adj.表示太…
11. I am afraid.我害怕. be afraid of (doing) sth.
12. chocolate cookies巧克力甜饼
13. have a try!试一下吧!
14. really sweet真的甜really + adj.
15. much better好得多much+ 比较级
16. a lovely sweater穿一件可爱的毛衣
17. soft and comfortable软和舒服的
18. you both你们俩,both放于行为动词前,be动词后.
19. much food.许多食品much+ 不可数名词; many+可数名词复数
20. have a party开会
21. What's she like 她是怎么样的人或她长得如何 What does / do sb. look like
23. have a look看一看25. come back回来
26. something to eat/drink一些吃/ 喝的东西
27. introduce sb. to sb. 把……介绍给……
30.See you later.一会儿见.
Module7 Unit2复习资料
thanks for sth. ; thanks for doing sth.谢谢……
last message上一封信
hear from收到……的来信=get a letter from
can't wait to meet you迫不及待地想见到你-- can't wait to do sth.
I hope to do sth. / hope + 从句…我希望……
recognize me认出我
arrive at the airport到达机场 arrive at / in +地方=get to+地方= reach+地方
quite tall挺高的 quite+形容词:很,十分……
short fair hair金色短发\
10. wear glasses戴眼镜11. wear put on
12. Journey旅行
13. carry, take 带一件厚外衣
14. I am sure.我肯定.
15. each other对方,互相
18. spend a lot of time with school orchestra很多时间都在学校交响乐队(训练)
spend 花费,sb. spend (s) sth. in doing sth. /sb. spend(s) sth. on sth.
19. dance music舞曲20. love dancing爱跳舞 love sth. / love doing sth.
21. enjoy sports 喜欢运动 enjoy sth. / doing sth.
22. as well还,也 = too
23. especially tennis特别是网球
24. captain of… ……的队长
25. be proud of sb.为……而自豪/骄傲
26. work hard努力工作
27. feel stupid觉得很傻,笨
28. get bad marks取得不好的成绩
29. get angry with myself生自己的气get angry with sb.=be mad at sb. 生某人的气
31. at first首先 =first of all
32. feel a bit sad感到有点儿悲伤 a bit + 形容词
33. a few days几天
34. quite shy十分,相当腼腆,害羞的quite+形容词
36. feel nervous感到紧张
37. speak Chinese说中文speak + 语言
38. do something wrong做错事
39. help me do the right things帮助我不做错事help sb. do sth.
41. be excited about (doing) sth.
42.must 必须;后接动词原形
43.shake hands with sb. 握手
44.stare at sb.盯着某人看
句型:What does / do sb. look like What is/ are / am sb. like
