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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 09:46:04
Elastic limit're:to study the deformation caused by spring with spring force F type variable X is inversely proportional to verify the hooker theorem is formed
Hypothesis:in the elastic limit spring form variables with X is inversely proportional to the outside force F.Spring elongation of length with external force and the increase of growth
Procedure:(1) fixed bedspring,measured with makes length L
(2) in the elastic limit,in spring hook hang a force of F1,with measured the length of L1 at spring
(3) modeled (step 2) F2F3F4F5 obtained respectively with L2L3L4L5
(4) finishing equipment
(1) in the readings makes possible some error,but can be repeated operation reduce errors of the experimental effect
(2) in hand movement makes reading may result in spring form variables and the hand movement previous data are not identical,cause accidental error
(3) in the experiment,the spring without and perpendicular to the ground,cause data is erro
英语翻译purpose:研究弹性限度内引起弹簧形变的外力F与弹簧型变量X是否成反比验证胡克定理是否成立hypothesi 科学家胡克经过大量的实验研究发现,在弹性限度内,弹簧的伸长△x与它受到的拉力F大小成正比,即F=k△x,k由弹簧的结构和 (2007年湖州市)科学家胡克经过大量的实验研究发现,在弹性限度内,弹簧的伸长 在弹性限度内的不同弹簧,形变大的则弹力大吗 判断:在弹性限度内,弹簧的形变越大,产生的弹力就越大 【初中物理题】在弹性限度内,弹簧的承受力与形变量成正比,A、B为完全相同的两轻质弹簧,原长为15cm 一弹簧原长6cm,受10N的拉力作用后长度变为7cm,若受到20N的外力作用时,弹簧的形变仍在弹性限度内, 在弹性限度内,弹簧的弹力大小与弹簧的伸长量成正比,即F=kx,其中F为弹力大小,x为伸长量,k为弹簧的劲度系数.已知某弹 在弹性限度内,弹簧的弹力大小与弹簧的伸长量成正比,即F=kx,其中F为弹力大小,x为伸长量,k为弹簧的劲度系数.已知某弹 弹簧产生的弹力是否与使弹簧形变的力相等? 如图所示,小车内有一质量为m的物块,一轻弹簧与小车和物块相连,处于压缩状态且在弹性限度内..弹簧的劲度系数为k,形变量为 3如图所示,小车内有一质量为m的物块,一轻弹簧与小车和物块相连,处于压缩状态且在弹性限度内..弹簧的劲度系数为k,形变量