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英语诗歌格律分析Mark the rhythm of the stanzas below and comment on

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 19:47:16
Mark the rhythm of the stanzas below and comment on the effects of their metrical variations.
1) I wander thro’ each charter’d street,
Near where the charter’d Thames does flow,
And mark in every face I meet
Marks of weakness,marks of woe.( William Blake,London)
2) The isles of Greece,the isles of Greece!
Where burning Sappho loved and sung,
Where grew the arts of war and peace,
Where Delos rose,and Phoebus sprung;
Eternal summer gilds them yet,
But all,except their sun,is set.(Byron,The Isles of Greece)
rhythm韵律,metrical variation韵律变化.
英文的韵律是按音节算的 (sylables) 比如 I- wan -der -thro' -each -char -ter'd -street