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英语翻译阅读分析(19)A lady lived in a first class hotel that faced t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/03 04:57:09
A lady lived in a first class hotel that faced the park.Her driver called for her every morning at eleven.As he helped her into the car one Saturday morning,she noticed a man in rags on a bench across the street looking attentively at the hotel with a dreamy expression on his face.He was there again the next morning---the next,It interested the lady.She told her driver to wait and crossed over to the man on the bench.
“I simply have to know,”she said,“why you keep looking at the hotel that way every morning.”
The man smiled.
“Lady,”he said,“I’m a penniless failure.I sleep on the bench when the police don’t drive me away,and I dram that some day—just once---I’m going to spend a night in that smart hotel across the way.”
The lady,feeling very pleased with herself,said,“Tonight your dream is going to come true.I’m going to pay for the best room in the house for you.”
The following morning the woman told the man to come to her breakfast table and asked,“How did you sleep?”
The man proved disappointing.
“Good Heavens,why?”she asked,“Wasn’t the bed soft and warm enough for you?”
“It wasn’t that,”he explained,“you see,down there I can dream I’m in the hotel.Here the whole night through.I kept dreaming I was back on the park bench.”