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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 23:13:13
b) Mandatory Sale.Upon receipt of a written offer from the Offeror,the Offeree,shall have sixty (60) days to elect in writing whether to buy all but not less than all of the offered Stock of the Offeror at the price per share specified by the Offeror pursuant to the terms of paragraph 2(a) above.If the Offeree so elects to acquire all of the Stock offered by the Offeror,the Offeree shall have one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of such election to purchase the Stock offered by the Offeror.
In the event the Offeree either elects in writing to the Offeror not to acquire his/their proportionate share of the offered Stock or fails to deliver Offeror written notice within sixty (60) days of the Offeree’s receipt of the offer written notice of election to purchase his/their proportionate share of the offered Stock,the Offeree shall be deemed to have elected to sell all of his/their Stock to the Offeror and the Offeror shall be obligated to purchase such Stock (or,if the Offeror’s original offer was to sell a percentage of his Stock less than 100%,the Offeree shall be deemed to have elected to sell the same percentage of his/their Stock to the Offeror and the Offeror shall be obligated to purchase such Stock).
强制销售.在收到一份书面的报价要约,受要约人,须有60 ( 60 )天内以书面形式向选举是否购买所有,但不得少于所有提供股票的要约价格为每股指明要约根据的条款第2款( a )段.如果受要约人,使选举获得的所有库存所提供的要约,
受要约人须有180 ( 180 )天之后,这些当选为购买股票提供的要约.
如果在受要约人可以选择以书面形式向要约人不获得他/他们的比例为股票或不能满足要约人发出书面通知的六十( 60 )天的受要约人收到要约的书面通知选举购买他/他们的比例提供股票,
受要约人须当作已当选为出售他/他们的股票,以要约和要约应有义务购买这类股票(或者,如果要约的原始提议出售其股份的比例不到100 % ,受要约人须当作已当选出售相同的百分比他/他们的股票,以要约和要约应有义务购买这类股票