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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 15:24:08
名词性从句的题目、不知道错哪里额> <
1.I asked her in English____she was,and she told me ____she was an actress.
A who...that B who.../ C what...that D how.../
2.____questions is to be discussed first doesn't make much difference.
A which of the B what of the C how many Dwhich
1.依据“and she told me ____she was an actress”可以得知 前半句问的是“她的职业是什么”
职业的常用问法有:1.What is she?2.What does she do?3.What's her job?而Who is she?意思是“她是谁?”回答可能是“She is my sister.”
而后半句中tell sb (that)...是一个宾语从句 that可以省掉.
2.which表示众多之中选一个,任选其一,而what没有这个意思.还有,这句话应该是____question to be discussed first doesn't make much difference.楼主多写了一个is 这样导致一个句子有两个谓语.to be discussed first 应该作为question的后置定语来讲 真正的主语是doesn't make much difference