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五.合并句子.1.Why did he go to bed so early I don’t know.2.Do you

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 21:22:53
1.Why did he go to bed so early I don’t know.
2.Do you know When will the basketball match begin
3.“ How long have you lived in London ” She asked me.
4.When did you come here Please tell me.
5.“What’s wrong with you ” Father asked me.
6.Can you tell me Where did they spend their holiday
7.Can you tell us Where can we get a computer
8.He wants to know.What is her e-mail address
9.Mum asked.What day is it today
10.He asked.Is it going to rain tomorrow
11.What will happen tomorrow?Nobody knows.
12.What class are they in He asked me.
13.Does her father work in the factory Could you tell me
14.The teacher says to us “ You must get to school on time .”
15.Will he come here tonight I’m not sure.
16.“I’m making a model train.” He said.
17.Whose is that car The policeman asked.
18.Did the man pay for the meal The boss asked the waiter.
19.How is the weather like She wanted to know.
20.What are the children doing over there The headmaster asked .
1. I don't know why he went to bed so early.

2. Do you know when the basketball match will begin ?

3.She asked me how long I had lived in London .

4. Please tell me whenyou came here .

5.Father aked me what was wrong with me.
6. Can you tell me where they spent their holiday ?

7. Can you tell us where we can get a computer ?

8. He wants to know what her e-mail address is.

9. Mum asked what day it was that day.

10. He asked if it was going to rain tomorrow .

11. Noboday knows what will happen tomorrow .

12. He asked me what class they were in .

13. Could you tell me if her father works in the factory ?

14. The teacher says to us that we must get to school on time .

15. I 'm not sure if he will come there that night .

16.He said that he was making a model train.

17. The policeman asked whose that car was .

18. The boss asked the waiter if the man paid for the meal .

19. She wanted to know how the weather was like .

20. The headmaster asked what the children were doing over there .