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英语翻译There are over 37,000 known species (种) of spiders in di

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/01 09:52:29
There are over 37,000 known species (种) of spiders in different shapes and sizes in the world.The largest spiders live in the rain forests of South America and are known as the "bird-eating" spiders.These spiders can grow up to 28cm long and they eat small birds.The smallest spiders are from Western Samoa.These tiny spiders are less than 0.5mm long.They live in the plants that grow on mountain rocks.
Some people like to keep spiders as pets,but most people don't like touching them.A great number of people are afraid of them,mainly because of their poison — something will cause death or harm.However,only thirty species of spiders are very dangerous to humans.Spiders provide benefits for humans by catching and eating insects,such as flies and mosquitoes (蚊子).
Spiders are different from other animals,because they make webs to catch the small insects for food.The special silk of a spider's web is light and strong — five times stronger than steel.Some people have tried to raise spiders in order to collect their silk,but no one has ever succeeded in doing it.One reason is that it takes 670,000 spiders to produce half a kilo of silk,and all of these spiders need living insects for their food.Besides,spiders are usually solitary (独自的) animals,and need to be kept alone.
All in all,people are amazed to learn that there are so many secrets in spiders!
世界上已知的不同形状,不同大小的蜘蛛有超过37000种.世界上最大的蜘蛛生活在南美洲的热带雨林里,被称为“捕鸟蛛” .这些蜘蛛可以长到28厘米长,他们吃小型鸟类.最小的蜘蛛来自于西萨摩亚.这些微小的蜘蛛只有不到0.5mm长.他们居住在岩石上的植物中.
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再答: 警察正在寻找昨晚年度金饰博览会上偷走市中心珠宝店宝石的小偷。报案者声称,一对年轻的夫妇偷走了一串价值150万美元的项链。有目击者表示,一对年龄20多岁的夫妇引起了他们的注意,因为他们实在太年轻,不像是对贵重珠宝感兴趣的人。他表示,另一位相邻展位的售货员说,那对情侣衣着随意,跟整个展会的庄重气氛格格不入。据一位同该情侣谈论过的售货员表示,这对情侣想挑一串特殊的项链,用来准备他们下个月的婚礼。那位男士表示自己是国家知名运动员,所以到时会有记者报到这一婚礼。 这名售货员因为要去扶一位从轮椅上跌倒的老人,所以留下这对情侣挑选项链。不幸的是,当她回来后,那对情侣和项链都不见了。警察暂未排除那位老人是不是同伙。他们证实,那位老人年纪并不大,而且没有伤残。警察认为,老人当时戴了假发作为掩饰,因为当他跌倒的时候,假发从他头上滑了下来。警察认为,他极有可能要制造一个假象吸引大家注意,那对夫妇正好趁机偷走项链。 警察推断,这几个人很有可能就是上个月偷窃市中心一家旅馆的那伙窃贼。当时,一位女士正在办理入住手续,突然两个男子持枪出现,威胁店员。尽管店员很勇敢,他也不得不交出全部1500美元。奇怪的是,之前办理入住的那位女士并没有表现出任何惊慌害怕,并且在保安到来之前就消失不见了。 警察在整个城市发出布告,呼吁所有市民注意可疑外来人员。同时警察正开展全面排查,并发出悬赏,对提供有助于抓到肇事者线索的人给予奖励。如果你有任何有关窃贼的消息,请联系警方。警方决心尽快破案,找回失窃物。