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一篇完形填空,There was a king in a small country hundreds of years

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 22:07:49
There was a king in a small country hundreds of years ago.He liked to play jokes on his ministers(大臣),but_36_could say anything.
Wr White was Minister of Education.He learned a lot and often taught his daughter Mary at home.The girl was__37__and studied hard.She could read write___38__she was only five.
Once the king was told about it.He wanted to know__39__it was ture.He told Mr White to take his daghter to dinner.There were a lot of people in the palace that day.The king asked the girl some questions,and she easily answered them all.It__40__all the people there.The king__41__for a while and saw her father's long face.He told a soldier to lead a donkey into the palace.He__42__something on a piece of paper and then put it on the donkey's__43__.People saw it clearly now.It was "It's Mr White".People began to __44__and Mr white's face turned red.
"May I write something on the paper too,your Majesty(陛下)?"asked the girl.
"of course,"answered the king.
The girl brought out a pen and added"'s donkey"to the sentence and it became"It's Mr White's donkey."The king was __45__and gave the donkey to her.
36.A.everybody B.somebody C.anybody D.nobody
37.A.kind B.polite C.clever D.stupid
38.A.so B.but C.though D.because
39.A.if B.why C.what D.that
40.A.troubled B.worried C.interested D.surprised
41.A.saw B.talked C.laughed D.thought
42.A.wrote B.read C.copied D.drew
43.A.tail B.leg C.body D.face
44.A.sing B.laugh C.shout D.cry
45.A.good B.sorry C.glad D.unhappy