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完形填空:I'm sure many great

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 00:51:24
完形填空:I'm sure many great people think about how they can make a different in the world
解题思路: 完形填空题首先要通读上下文弄清大意和作者的写作意图,然后再结合选项及所学知识作出合理的判断,所选选项放在文中一定要能使上下连贯衔接才是正确选项。
I’m sure many great people think about how they can make a difference in the world. 35 , sometimes little things can make a really big difference. I learned this 36
one day five years ago with my father, when I was just acting like myself –– a nine-year-old kid.
Papa came home late from work after 9 p.m., and he 37 even more tired than usual. His eyes were already half-closed. I followed him to his bedroom. Papa 38 up the stairs, slowly lifting his feet one after the other. I was 39 that I would have to start pushing him. Fortunately, he 40 it to the bedroom on his own.
Papa sat down on the bed and started removing his shoes and socks.
“How was work?” I asked cheerfully.
“Oh, it was OK,” he replied. “It’s just that I’m tired.”
“Oh, um…you want me to leave?”
Papa gave me a tired 41 that made me more comfortable. It made me feel like he wasn’t going to scold me, as he often did when I made some 42 .
“No,” he said kindly, “of course I don’t want you to leave.”
I opened my mouth and started 43 out the Disney movie Lilo & Stitch. Papa always loved it when I did that, and he 44 laughing loudly. I was happy that I had made my father laugh so much.
“Did you like it?” I asked.
“Of course I did,” he said. “Did you know that 45 you make me laugh, you make me feel a lot better?”
I was 46 that I could really do a thing like that.
35. A. But B. So C. Although D. In fact
36. A. class B. lesson C. subject D. course
37. A. felt B. kept C. looked D. turned
38. A. ran B. went C. stepped D. rushed
39. A. afraid B. sure C. sorry D. happy
40. A. made B. did C. took D. got
41. A. shout B. cry C. smile D. laugh
42. A. faces B. progress C. mistakes D. trouble
43. A. trying B. acting C. sending D. putting
44. A. continued B. started C. finished D. enjoyed
45. A. whenever B. however C. no matter D. whether
46. A. puzzled B. worried C. wondering D. surprised
最终答案:答案:35~46 DBCCA ACDBB AD