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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 14:43:54
图太模糊,看不清 o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
再问: 手机像素不好,那我打文字吧
再答: 昂
再问: 假如你是济南的李华,你的英国朋友smith将来济南旅游。根据计划你将到飞机场接他然后一同飞往济南商务酒店。但由于有事无法前往。你将写一封电子邮件通知他
再问: 1,对不能迎接前往表示歉意2.在飞机场坐出租车到济南商务酒店,出租车司机都懂简单的英语3.已经在宾馆定好房间4.到达之后打电话联系,好好休息,然后前往讨论旅游计划
再问: 100-200词
再问: 100~120词
再答: ∑最讨厌字数要求了..因为英文单词不好数_(:_」∠)_
再问: 好吧,那就不用数,写多少是多少
再答: Dear Smith,
How are you so far?
Im afraid that i cannot come to the airport and go to the Ji Nan Business Hotel with you. I apologize. You can go to the hotel by yourself. Dont worry, you can take the taxi near the airport. The taxi drivers can speak some English,so dont worry about the language problem. Ive already made room reservation,so just have a good rest in the hotel after your flight. And please remember to contact me after you arrived. We can discuss our travelling plan later.

Li Hua