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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 10:28:04
由于字数太多只能写在回答里边了.以下为详细文章-----------------------------------------------------------The earliest sign of human rights has been found on the Cyrus Cylinder written during the reign of Cyrus the Great of Persia/Iran.The history of human rights covers thousands of years and draws upon religious,cultural,philosophical and legal developments throughout recorded history.Several ancient documents and later religions and philosophies included a variety of concepts that may be considered to be human rights.Notable among such documents are the Edicts of Ashoka issued by Ashoka the Great of India between 272-231 BC; and the Constitution of Medina of 622 AD,drafted by Muhammad to mark a formal agreement between all of the significant tribes and families of Yathrib (later known as Medina),including Muslims,Jews and Pagans.[3][4] The English Magna Carta of 1215 is particularly significant in the history of English law,and is hence significant in international law and constitutional law today.
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen approved by the National Assembly of France,August 26,1789.
Much of modern human rights law and the basis of most modern interpretations of human rights can be traced back to relatively recent history.The Twelve Articles of the Black Forest (1525) are considered to be the first record of human rights in Europe.They were part of the peasants' demands raised towards the Swabian League in the Peasants' War in Germany.The British Bill of Rights (or “An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the Crown”) of 1689 made illegal a range of oppressive governmental actions in the United Kingdom.Two major revolutions occurred during the 18th century,in the United States (1776) and in France (1789),leading to the adoption of the United States Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen respectively,both of which established certain legal rights.Additionally,the Virginia Declaration of Rights of 1776 encoded a number of fundamental rights and freedoms into law.
These were followed by developments in philosophy of human rights by philosophers such as Thomas Paine,John Stuart Mill and G.W.F.Hegel during the 18th and 19th centuries.The term human rights probably came into use sometime between Paine's The Rights of Man and William Lloyd Garrison's 1831 writings in The Liberator saying he was trying to enlist his readers in "the great cause of human rights"[5]
Many groups and movements have managed to achieve profound social changes over the course of the 20th century in the name of human rights.In Western Europe and North America,labour unions brought about laws granting workers the right to strike,establishing minimum work conditions and forbidding or regulating child labour.The women's rights movement succeeded in gaining for many women the right to vote.National liberation movements in many countries succeeded in driving out colonial powers.One of the most influential was Quaid - Azam's movement to free his native India from British rule.Movements by long-oppressed racial and religious minorities succeeded in many parts of the world,among them the civil rights movement,and more recent diverse identity politics movements,on behalf of women and minorities in the United States.
The establishment of the International Committee of the Red Cross,the 1864 Lieber Code and the first of the Geneva Conventions in 1864 laid the foundations of International humanitarian law,to be further developed following the two World Wars.
The World Wars,and the huge losses of life and gross abuses of human rights that took place during them were a driving force behind the development of modern human rights instruments.The League of Nations was established in 1919 at the negotiations over the Treaty of Versailles following the end of World War I.The League's goals included disarmament,preventing war through collective security,settling disputes between countries through negotiation,diplomacy and improving global welfare.Enshrined in its Charter was a mandate to promote many of the rights which were later included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
At the 1945 Yalta Conference,the Allied Powers agreed to create a new body to supplant the League's role.This body was to be the United Nations.The United Nations has played an important role in international human rights law since its creation.Following the World Wars the United Nations and its members developed much of the discourse and the bodies of law which now make up international humanitarian law and international human rights law