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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 05:04:10
我决定选用xx快递。但是我没有PayPal 所以我需要一些时间来联系我朋友帮我付款,这可能需要半天时间,我会在付款后马上联系你
感谢你提供的信息,能选择不同的快 递真的太棒了,我以前都不知道xx快 递会便宜那么多!
我决定选用xx快 递.但我没Pay*Pal,所以我需要一些时间来联系我朋友帮我付 款,这可能需要半天时间,我会在付 款后马上联系你.
Thanks very much for the information you supply (to me).How wonderful is it to choose different express companies.I didn't know it could save by that much sum as for XX Express Company.
Now I decide to ask XX Express to help me.Yet I don't have any Pay*Pal,thus it requires me some time to contact with my friend for helping with the payment,and it needs around half a day.I'll contact you immediately after the payment.