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1.Please speak loder in order to make yoself understood.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 08:14:42
1.Please speak loder in order to make yoself understood.
2.After some thought he decides tocollect some money for Project Hope.
3.用现在进行时表示将来is coming,那么它们还有will come形式吗?
4.改错题;Fill in the blank with correct word gives.
6.I have got a two-hundred-page book to resd.
像two-hundred-page 这种形式的形容词最后那个单词都是单数吗
7.空格 more information abot the trp,youcan go to www.xtour.com
A.find B.finding C.to find D found
8 this computer doesn't work
really i'll have it repaired tomorrow
为什么用 repaired
9.what Nice work it is
10.two thrds of the land is covered by water
11.after three weeks,she has been used to the food there.
1,原句意为:请你说话大声点好让大家都能明白你在说什么.make yourself understood=make yourself understood by people ,你说话的内容是被大家明白,而不是你主动去明白什么.所以要用过去分词.
3,will come = is coming不过,is coming还有个意思就是:正在赶来.要看语境了!
4,本句为省略句,其完整形式为Fill in the blank with correct word (that is)given (to you).
如:I`m happy at the work finished .这个工作的完成让我很高兴.
6,two-hundred-page 这种形式的形容词最后那个单词都是单数.
7,本句的正常顺序是 You can go to www.xtour.com ____more information about the trip. 分析句式为go to some place to do sth. 所以选C -- to find
8,这里要区别have sth do sth 和have sth done 的不同.前者是要••做••,如:I want to have you finish the work .我要你完成工作.是you去主动完成;后者意为让••被做••,一般不指说话的人主动去做,而是让某事被其他人做.如I`ll have it repaired tomorrow,我明天要拿它去(维修店里被维修工)修理.
9,固定用法,感叹句.what +冠词+形容词+名词(+it is/they are)如:what a good day (it is) .原句中work 是不可数,所以没有加冠词.另外还有一种感叹句,how nice the work is = what nice work it is.
10,这里要看语境了,差别很细微,用with 也没错,我比较倾向于用with,因为by 一般是用来修饰有思维的事物,如人,动物等,而with 修饰没有思维的,如小草,水,砖块等.
11,本句意为:三周过后,她能习惯那里的食物了.这里有两个固定用法 have done sth (已经做了某事,并对将来有影响)和be used to do sth .(习惯于做某事).所以结合起来,be 在 have 之后,就因变成done 形式---been.