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There are many TV programs about Chinese dishes, but few are

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 09:21:09
There are many TV programs about Chinese dishes, but few are Like A Bite Of China(舌尖上的中国)。The seven-part documentary tell us food in different places in China.
The different kinds of food on TV are from 60 places. You can see many kinds of food and they can capture your eyes and stomach. And you also learn how to make the food . That’s why the program becomes so popular.
However, the program is not only about food. There are many different stories between food and people. To know good stories, workers of the film spent three months doing the research (调查)and nine months filming. Liu Wen, one of the workers, says the story also shows the social transportations (社会变迁)。“The program is like a window, it makes the world know more about China. And it helps people around the world not only enjoy Chinese dishes, but also learn Chinese culture.”
小题1:There were _______ parts in the documentary A Bite Of China?
A.five B.six C.seven D.eight
小题2:The underlined word “capture” means ________.
A.弥补 B.俘获 C.填补 D.吞没
小题3:How long did the workers spend finishing the whole program?
A.three months B.nine months C.six months D.a year
小题4:From the article we know________
A.A Bite of China is very popular in the foreign countries
B.Liu Wei is a leader of the film
C.It’s not easy to film the program
D.learning how to make Chinese dishes is very popular now
小题5:What can we learn from the documentary?
①  Delicious food    ②  How to make the food
③  Chinese Culture   ④  Chinese cities
A.①②④ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②③




