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英语翻译winemaker's notes:Take a tour of France's three most fam

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 00:06:19
winemaker's notes:
Take a tour of France's three most famous wine regions:Bordeaux,Burgundy,and the Rhône.Each wine is chosen to display the unique characteristics of the region it represents.Travel to Bordeaux with the bold Château Les Graves de Barrau,made by Dominique Hébrard of the Cheval Blanc family.Experience Bouchard's silky Burgundy from the birthplace of Pinot Noir.Explore the Côtes-du-Rhône with a spicy Grenache and Syrah blend from Louis Bernard.Passport not required.
Château Les Graves de Barrau
The estate has been well-known for several centuries.This wine is medium-bodied with dark berry flavors,well-balanced tannins and a long,smooth finish.
Bouchard Bourgogne Pinot Noir
This wine exemplifies Bouchard's mission:"Always search for perfection in quality,authenticity in style and prestige in the name." A plump wine with a lot of fruit and a delicate note of wood,harmonious and well balanced.
Louis Bernard Côtes-du-Rhône
Ample and fruity with a gentle hint of oak.This wine is an excellent match for barbeque.
Please note that due to the popularity of this product,we reserve the right to substitute like wines and vintages.
采取参观了法国的三个最有名的葡萄酒产区:波尔多,勃艮第,和罗讷.每个葡萄酒是选择要显示的独特的特点,该地区的代表.前往波尔多与大胆的城堡本港就业辅导组的坟墓德barrau ,所提出的多米尼克hébrard的cheval勃朗峰家庭.经验布沙尔的乌骨鸡,从勃艮第的发祥地,黑比诺.探索côtes -杜-罗讷与辣grenache和西拉共混物从路易伯纳德.护照不是必需的.
这充分体现了葡萄酒布沙尔的使命:“总是寻找完美的质量,真实性,在作风和威信,在名称” .一饱满的葡萄酒了很多水果和一个微妙的注意,木材,和谐和平衡.
路易伯纳德côtes -杜-罗讷