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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/30 09:50:37

This is a fairy tale story written for adults. The little prince comes from a different planet and has only his favorite rose to keep him company. However, the vanity of the rose blessed the little prince’s feelings. The little prince went to many planets and encountered quite a lot of people self-absorbed in their own world, as well as a little fox who is in love with him. The main theme of this book is love. The little prince at last chose to leave the Earth and returned back to the planet where there was this one and only rose. What does it mean to grow up? Simply stated, growing up is to look at fear right in its face and to fully experience it. Only by doing so can we walk through this danger zone and continue onto the next journey to embrace what life has to offer next. The same principle applies to love. Irreplaceable love is the result of one's rational judgment, which becomes clearer over time after two lovers, who have gone through life's ups and downs, still hold firmly onto each other's hands despite all the hardships. Sadly, in our times temptations are everywhere and usually one is not doomed after betrayal, lest paying a small price. Hence, without such a determination in mind one can never find the Mr. Right or Mrs. Right, even with a supply of 5000 roses on hand. In a way, love is a form of courage demonstrated by grown-ups.
A Tale of Two Cities portrays in depth the European aristocracy under the feudal system of the 18th century, exposing vividly to the public the sins of the upper-class members, as how they persecuted and slaughtered the common people without mercy during long periods
of time. Through his pen, Dickens drew up successfully the miserable life of the commoners, who lived under perpetual poverty, sickness and persecution, with no one around to help. Finally, their anger, rage and hatred toward the elites bursted and led them to overturn the regime, which culminated in the French Revolution, a war for freedom. Love can exalt itself by embracing tolerance. According to Derrida, the essence of forgiveness lies in forgiving the unforgivable. Similarly, only by taking in its opposite existence, the hatred, can love recover its full identity and eventually find its way back home. Such is the message conveyed by A
Tale of Two Cities.
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