作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 02:41:08
Prepare a large clean glass or ceramic bowl which is Appropriate for the microwave oven. 2.Put corn grain into the bowl ,reaching half of the capacity. 3. Put a small piece of butter into the bowl,30g or so,and churn up for a moment.if you want it to be bioled sweet,then choose butter with suger,contrarily,choose butter with salt. 4. As soon as the butter and corn are sufficient mixed,put the bowl into the microwave oven with a plastic lid on it.Now ,power on. 5.You should wait from the beginnig of crackle until it is running out, and then power off .The total process may take 2 minutes or so,mainly up to the voice. 1、准备一个大玻璃或陶瓷碗,能放进微波炉的那种,擦干净 2、倒半碗干燥的玉米粒(整粒的) 3、放牛油一小块,大概30g,搅拌一下。如果煮甜的,就选择无盐的牛油,放一把糖,煮咸的就加盐 4、牛油和玉米拌匀后,放入微波炉高火,加个盖子,塑料的就可以了。 5、从你开始听到爆裂声开始,一直到爆裂声开始转小,渐渐快没了,这是关火。总过程可能需要2分钟左右,主要听声音而定
再问: 能给不用电,不用火的吗?
再答: 水果沙拉 ,,
再问: 可以给我写裹卷吗?
再答: 裹卷是什么?
再问: 额
再问: 丝娃娃知道吗?
再答: 是什么
再问: 用剪粉皮包的一堆菜,什么豆芽啊,罗卜啊之类的
再问: 还有一些配料
再答: 鸡蛋卷吗
再答: 写那个的话你们才初二会有很多生词
再问: 哦,那写个不要水火电的吧
再答: 不用水火电 那能做什么呢
再答: 你想一个我给你写
再答: 不过我还是建议你自己写吧 ,如果写的太好 老师自然会看出是抄的。你可以自己想 ,然后不会的单词再网上搜
再问: 哦
再问: 帮我写个水果撒拉的吧,有梨,草莓,葡萄,猕猴桃,苹果,把撒拉酱改成酸奶
再答: First,cut up three bananas ,three apples and three pears.Then,put these to a bowl.Next, put two teaspoon of yogurt to the bowl.Finally,mix them all up.The fruit salad is OK.You can try it.
再答: 字数不够的话可以加
再问: 加一点吧
再问: 2个梨,十个草莓 ,十五个葡萄,两个猕猴桃,两个苹果
再答: First,cut up two pears ,ten strawberries ten grapes two kiwi fruit and three apples .Then,put these to a bowl.Next, put two teaspoon of yogurt to the bowl.Finally,mix them all up.Thedelucoius fruit salad is OK.You can try it.