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英语翻译摘 要:金融全球化对各个国家来说都是一把双刃剑.一方面,各个国家可以借金融全球化引进外资,发展本国经济,壮大本国

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 12:17:43
摘 要:金融全球化对各个国家来说都是一把双刃剑.一方面,各个国家可以借金融全球化引进外资,发展本国经济,壮大本国综合实力;另一方面,伴随金融全球化而来的是大量的国际游资,金融投机巨鳄以及防不胜防的垃圾债券的巨大威胁.尤其是发展中国家,由于其金融体系尚不健全,以至于在面对金融全球化时承担更多的风险.作为最大的发展中国家,我国目前该如何利用金融全球化的机遇,同时最大可能的规避风险,保证我国积极稳步发展便是本篇论文所要研究的话题.
是保证我国经济稳步发展便是本篇论文所要研究的话题。- -#抱歉
To all countries,financial globalization is a double edged sword.On the one hand,by the way of financial globalization,every country could attract foreign investment to develop its national economy and strengthen its overall strength; on the other hand,with the trend of financial globalization,large amount of international hot money came along,financial speculation croc together with the threat of junk bond which are impossible to defend effectively.Developing countries,due to its imperfect financial system,are experiencing more risks when facing financial globalization.As the largest developing country,currently how could china utilizing the opportunity brought about by financial globalization,while at the same time avoid risks to the maximum degree,so as to ensure steady development of China's economy is exactly what this thesis is to study.
Keyword:financial globalization; financial security; risk analysis; countermeasure