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帮我SAT作文评分谢谢!Do you agree that progress is always positive?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 18:38:02
帮我SAT作文评分谢谢!Do you agree that progress is always positive?
Everything has its second fold.Progress is not an exception.We define progress as a process of development,with overcomes,victories and milestones on the road behind.However,the value of progress is assessed by the impacts made from the road.Such impacts involve both positiveness and negativeness.The following context will be discussing two negative examples that are influenced by progress.
The Industrial Revolution is widely confirmed to be a dramatic turning point in human history,setting up ample scientific and manufacturing milestones during the 18th and 19th centuries.Factories with smokestacks were established everywhere,thus accelerated the productivity with more efficiency.It was also significant that the progress of railway transportation connected people and business together.Nevertheless,judging from another angle,the revolution saw the severe pollution in industrial cities.Moreover,continuously exhausting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere caused the threat to the eco-system-the Greenhouse Effect.Therefore,to some extent,the progress turned to drawback in some areas.
The second example is about overpopulation.The population has increased rapidly over the last 50 years.Since 1950s,the growing rate has already risen to 1.8%per year.What impulsed the boom was the developing of advanced medical techniques that lowered the mortality rate.This is a trememdous progress,leading to longevity of human beings.Notwithstanding we all embrace the highly-developed world,the fact of overpopulation let us to mitigate the rate and cease the boom.Overpopulation is a generally undesirable condition where human beings exceed the carrying capacity of the habitat.If this keeps up,there will appear the depletion of natural resources,the changes in atmosphere composition turning to consequent global warming,and the starvation,malnutrition or poor diet in poor countries.The progress of one thing has a link-reaction with a series of other things.Hence,it is too arbitrary to proclaim that all progresses are completely positive.
In conclusion,afer analysing the above examples of twofold progress,can we say progress is always positive?No.But,the ambition to improve cannot be thrown away.Progress is still very essential.
字数太少了,才300多一点…字大点也只能写够一页半,这肯定是不行的.我参加考试的时候至少写450以上.positiveness 和negativeness都不是词,不能随便造.你先放到word里查一遍吧.第一段就出现拼写错误时不能忍的……你这个作文估计就8分了……
再问: 那如果多加一个中间段然后减少拼写错误是不是会好一点?
再答: SAT写作基本都是四段论的……你写的是toefl作文,不是sat作文吧…sat作文没这么泛泛举例子的
再问: 其实这是我第一次写SAT作文, 可能有很多问题....请见谅....那SAT作文怎么样才是不泛泛的举例呢? 应该怎么举例?
再答: Thomas Edison, almost the most famous inventor in the world, had 1903 patents in his life. Those patents include an extraordinary important to human society invention, the light bulb. Although at first he failed in more than 2000 experiments with platinum and other metal filaments, Edison never give up on his way to the final. He tried so hard to find something that are helpful and learn the reason of accident from the failure to figure out which kind of material is the best. Finally the first successful test came on October 22nd 1897. The light bulb lasted 40 hours long. At November 4th 1879, he filed for US patent 223898 for and electric lamp using a carbon filament. His invention brought human into a new era with light provide by electricity.He did not content by this invention because he thought the price of the carbon filament light bulb was still too high for the poor people. So he dived in to the experiments again and finally found the tungsten filament, which may be afforded by the poor people. 少年·,每一个例子至少要这样…虽然很老套,估计也有语法错误,我用这个例子和另外一个得的11分。去xdf慢慢学吧