作业帮 > 数学 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:数学作业 时间:2024/07/17 06:45:35


还要吗 再答: 要的话我立马给你
再问: 我要全部,谢谢!
再答: 好的
再答: His father is not a teacher
再答: What are those? That is an orange
再答: What is this? This is apple
再答: What color is this ruler? It's blue
再答: My alarm clock is not yellow, it is white.
再答: He is my friend, his name is zhao jiang
再答: The girl 13 years old, her name is han meimei
再答: Two and three is five
再答: One and eight is what
再答: What's the name of your parents
再答: The boy is my brother
再答: I am a liu xing. That's my sister, her name is light snow
再答: China is our home, we love our home.
再问: 谢谢你!能交个朋友吗?
再答: 可以
再答: 我就是对英语翻译比较在行
再问: 哦,谢谢?2205578127这是我的扣扣
再答: 好的
再问: 这里面空着的我都不太会,请求帮助!
再答: 翻译吗?
再答: 哪里不会。你拍清楚点
再答: 回我啊!
再答: 快点。我快要睡觉了
再问: 不好意思,刚才卡机了
再问: 不好意思,刚才卡机了
再答: 我那时睡着了
再答: The orange orange
再答: Your white pen
再答: 你还要吗😂
再问: 恩
再答: Seven pieces of black and white quilt
再答: He green glass
再答: 这个错了
再答: It's green glass
再答: My blue hat
再答: Two red apples
再答: Two red apples
再答: The name of my parents Gina friend's books
再答: 好了
再问: 谢谢你!
再答: 不用谢
再答: 以后翻译就找我吧。
再答: QQ1714263549