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高一外研英语周报2013~2014 总第3216期

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高一外研英语周报2013~2014 总第3216期
Book 3 Module 1 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 BBCAC 6-10 ABBCB
11-15 ABACA 16-20 AABBC
21-25 DACBA 26-30 BCADA
31-35 CBCBD 36-40 ADBAC
41-45 BCDBD 46-50 CBADB
51-55 ACDAB 56-60 BACDD
61-65 DBBAC 66-70 DDADA
71-75 BAFCE
76. Nursing and teaching.
77. Because her work was awful.
78. They are responsible.
79. Because she can always meet new faces.
80. To help children discover their talents.
81. Early on the morning, ... on → in
82. After while, ... while前加a
83. ... were deeper in snow. deeper → deep
84. ..., but many cars were ... but → and
85. ... takes immediate measures ... takes → took
86. ... help cleaning up ... cleaning → clean
87.We moved the snow ... We → They
88. ... people and car ... car → cars
89. ..., thank to everybody's ... thank → thanks
90. ..., everything was returned ... 去掉was
One possible version:
Known as World Flower Capital, Paris is one of the most famous cities in the world. Paris is situated on the River Seine, in the north of France. It covers an area of 105.4 square kilometres and has a population of more than 2.2 million. It has been the capital of France for more than 1,400 years.
Paris is not only the centre of French politics, economy and culture, but also the fourth most influential city in the world, following New York, London and Tokyo. It has many famous places of interest, such as the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe and the Louvre.
21. D.painter 为可数名词,在此表泛指,故第一空用不定冠词a;Renaissance 为专有名词,其前需用定冠词the.题意:莱奥纳多·达·芬奇是文艺复兴时期一位著名的画家,《蒙娜丽莎》是他的杰作.
22. A.ancient 古老的,旧的;brilliant 极好的;powerful 强大的;attractive 吸引人的.根据下句中的but 可知,上下两句为转折关系;由下句“但起码还能跑”可知,上句句意为“你的车看起来很旧了”.
23. C.compare 与this one 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用其过去分词作状语.compare A with B比较A与B.
24. B.题意:始建于2000 多年前的长城被认为是伟大的中华民族的象征(symbol).range 范围,山脉;project 工程;feature特点.
25. A.not only ... but also ...连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词要与靠近它的主语保持一致.family 作主语,在此指家庭成员,故谓语动词用复数形式.又因为family 与谓语动词invite 之间是被动关系,故用被动语态.
26. B.through 表示从物中穿过(如隧道、门、森林等);across 意为“横过,穿过”,表示从一边到另一边( 如马路);opposite 在……的对面;above 在……上方.由公共汽车受阻可知,一棵树倒下来横在马路上.
27. C.分析句子结构可知,空格处引导非限制性定语从句,指代Alice Munro,并在从句中作主语,故选who.
28. A.ever since 通常与现在完成时连用,故选A项.
29. D.本句中使用了not / never ... until ...句型,意为“直到……才……”.
30. A.be situated / located in ... 位于…….
31. C.belong to 无进行时和被动语态形式,故此题选C项.
32. B.in terms of 就……而言.题意:就价格来说,这辆二手车很棒,但是它不是很舒适.in honour of 纪念;in support of 支持;in need of需要.
33. C.此题考查附加疑问句.陈述句部分是肯定结构,其后的附加疑问句即为否定结构.根据句中的looks 可知,附加疑问句部分为doesn't it.
34. B.倍数表达法之一:倍数+ as +形容词/副词原级+ as .
35. D.根据答语“那是个美丽的城市”可知,上句询问“那儿怎么样?(What's itlike?)”.
本文是记叙文.文章讲述了身患重病的Johnathan 勇敢地与病魔抗争并获得“鼓舞人心的孩子”奖项.
36. A.根据下文内容可知,Johnathan 是从几百名提名者中挑选出来的获奖者.
37. D.38. B.根据Johnathan 得奖以及他的故事可知,Well Child Awards 是奖给那些面对病魔勇气可嘉的孩子以及不惜一切帮助病人的专业人士.
39. A.根据下文的with his bravery可知.
40. C.“未来不明朗”和“手术给了他些许希望”之间为转折关系.
41. B.得了严重的传染疾病,因此Johnathan是在医院住了很长的时间.
42. C.Johnathan 不仅要在医院住很长时间而且还要应对自己的视力问题.
43. D.根据下文的has an amazing ability可知,他的勇敢让人们为之惊讶.
44. B.根据上文的prevented him eating 和become a chef 可知,Johnathan 开始学习做饭.
45. D.根据上文的“五个月不能吃东西,然后自己学习做饭”可知,Johnathan 能把很糟糕的情况变成全新的冒险经历.
46. C.根据上文对Johnathan 的描述可知,Helen 评价他真的是一位很与众不同的年轻人.
47. B.根据下文的choose winners from the many amazing nominations 可知,裁判的工作是评选获奖者.
48. A.49. D.50. B.由上文的children facing serious illnesses 和sick children可知,裁判包括那些关注孩子健康的专业人士以及勇敢面对病魔的孩子.
51. A.从这么多的提名者中选择获奖者,这是一项艰巨的任务.
52. C.根据上文的With hundreds of nominations received from across the country可知,Linda Partridge 收到来自全国各地的很多提名.
53. D.这些评审专家们被孩子们的勇敢所感动.
54. A.根据上文的selfless care 可知,这里指医生、护士和老师无私的关爱和帮助.
55. B.医生、护士和老师的关爱对这些孩子有很大影响.
56. B.细节理解题.a 项发生在1608 年,b项发生在1603 年,c 项发生在1633 年,d 项发生在1629年,由此可知答案.
57. A.推理判断题.根据第二段的he established the French settlement that is now Quebec City. He also made the first accurate map of the Canadian coast 可知,Champlain 在加拿大的历史上起了很大的作用.
58. C.词义猜测题.根据最后一段的many places and streets in North America use his name 可知,Champlain 被后人称作“Father of New France” memorialize 与remember同义.
59. D.标题归纳题.文章主要讲述了航海家Champlain 的探险历程,他被后人铭记为“Father of New France”,因此,D项概括了文章主旨.
60. D.细节理解题.根据第二个节日介绍中的including three “Grotto Concerts”和Aug. 29-Sept. 9 可知.
61. D.细节理解题.根据第三个节日介绍中的Competition tickets start at $18,and concert tickets at $23 可知.
62. B.细节理解题.根据第四个节日介绍中的This year's performances include Wagner's “The Flying Dutchman”可知.
63. B.推理判断题.本文介绍了四个节日,因此可能摘自网站的艺术版块.
64. A.推理判断题.根据第一段的the book that shares stories about ... other acts of kindness,第二段的have been encouraged to write down acts of kindness in the book 以及最后一段的“Let your story inspire others,” Jane Muller said. “ Let others inspire you. It's Columbia's book.”可知.
65. C.推理判断题.根据第四段的understand the importance of making a difference where they are, rather than just looking to other acts of kindness 可知,Jane Muller 认为对身边的人做好事很重要.
66. D.细节理解题.根据第五段的Those lessons appeared to be catching on at school可知.
67. D.推理判断题.根据第五段的Ten-year-old Jack Lamey said the stories shared in the book have inspired him to look for new ways to be kind to others可知.
68. A.细节理解题.根据第一段的The trees help to stop the spread of the desert可知.
69. D.推理判断题.根据第三段的the production of argan oil started to change和used chemicals to get the oil out of the seeds 可知,当时西方公司去摩洛哥的主要目的就是要榨取阿甘油.
70. A.推理判断题.根据最后一段的“合作社不仅帮当地的妇女养家而且还种植阿甘树以使更多的后代受益”可知,阿甘油帮助了摩洛哥的人民.
A 1-5 DCABA B 6-10 DBAAD
本文是夹叙夹议文.文章主要讨论了Google Glass 给人的生活带来的问题.
1. D.细节理解题.根据第二段的What I need to know is what it's like to communicate with someone who's wearing Google Glass 可知.
2. C.推理判断题.根据第四段的“将手机放在饭桌上是在暗示对方认为你不如电话那头看不见脸和身子的人会讲故事”可知,作者一开始不看好这顿饭是因为他觉得Google Glass 会成为他们饭局的障碍.
3. A.推理判断题.根据第五段的by moving her head or saying an order, she could make the glasses shoot video or, worse, look me up on Wikipedia 可知,Heather 觉得Google Glass 不利于人与人之间的交流.
4. B.推理判断题.根据第一段的Technology... ruins those of everyone,第四段的I'm one of the few people who
believe putting your phone on the table suggests that you don't think I can tell a story as well as someone without a face or body 以及最后一段的Google will be responsible enough to never sell me one 可知,作者不看好Google Glass,认为它影响人与人之间的交流.
5. A.主旨大意题.文章主要讲述了作者和戴着Google Glass 的人的一次社交活动,以及他对Google Glass 的看法,因此A项符合题意.
6. D.词义猜测题.根据第二段的最后两句“如果企鹅选择了一位近亲,那么企鹅宝宝的存活率很低,但企鹅又怎样避免选择自己的兄弟姐妹或堂兄弟姐妹呢”可知,选择配偶对企鹅来说是一件棘手的事.
7. B.推理判断题.根据第四段的“研究人员知道哪些企鹅是相互认识的亲戚,哪些是没见过面的亲戚,也知道哪些企鹅是相互认识的非亲戚关系以及哪些是完全陌生的”,由此可知,研究人员对这22 只企鹅的关系了如指掌.
8. A.推理判断题.根据第五段的“企鹅在认识的非亲戚企鹅的窝棚里呆的时间比在陌生企鹅的窝棚长,在陌生企鹅的窝棚呆的时间又比在没见过面的亲戚企鹅的窝棚长”,由此可知,企鹅会嗅出陌生企鹅和亲戚气味的不同.
9. A.推理判断题.根据最后一段的the new knowledge can be used to help the penguins可知.
10. D.标题归纳题.文章主要讲述了企鹅如何通过辨别气味来避免选择近亲配偶.因此,D项符合题意.
再问: 这个是老报了 要改版后新报的!
再答: Book 3 Module 1 参考答案及部分解析 参考答案 1-5 BBCAC 6-10 ABBCB 11-15 ABACA 16-20 AABBC 21. protection 22. the 23. building 24. in 25. later 26. at 27. was attacked 28. where 29. another 30. until 31-35 ADBAC 36-40 BCDBD 41-45 CBADB 46-50 ACDAB 51-55 BACDD 56-60 DBBAC 61-65 DDADA 66-70 DGBFE 改错和作文跟上面旧版的答案是一样的.