作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

英语单词释义请把每一句中的每个划线词的意思解释出来(用英文表达)一.play(每句的划线词)1.Tn the movie

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 04:16:04
1.Tn the movie Cast Away ,Tom Hanks playsa man named Chuck Noland .__________.
2.The girl are out playing tennis..__________.
3.Gloria plays the violin in the London Phitharmonic..__________.
4.I could hear a radio playing in the apartment above..__________.
5.They played in the little garden..__________.
1.Last night he was so drunk that he crashed his car into the iron railling,.__________.
2.A plane crashed near the South Pacific ,killing 24passengers on board..__________.
3.Chuck survived the crash and lands on a deserted island..__________.
1.He is so selfish that all his friends have deserted him ,.__________.
2.Many people hurriedly deserted the city before the war broke out..__________.
3.The Sahara Desert解释:.__________.
1.Chuck survived (in) the crash and lands on a deserted island..__________.
2.Life is hard at the moment,but mw're surviving..__________.
3.The old lady has survived all her children..__________.
1.I live alone ,but I don't feel lonely..__________.(两个都要)
2.-We have no idea why he left the company.
_Tom alone konws the serect..__________.
3.When I was a child ,I lived in a lonely village with my grandfather..__________.
1.We share a bathroom with each other in the dormitory..__________.
2.Let me take my share of the cost..__________.
3.We shall all have a share in the profits..__________.
我是说```解释用英语~比如:play act a character
1.Tn the movie Cast Away ,Tom Hanks playsa man named Chuck Noland .___扮演_______.
2.The girl are out playing tennis.._____打(网球)_____.
3.Gloria plays the violin in the London Phitharmonic.._____拉(小提琴)_____.
4.I could hear a radio playing in the apartment above.._____播放_____.
5.They played in the little garden..___玩耍_______.
1.Last night he was so drunk that he crashed his car into the iron railling,._____撞_____.
2.A plane crashed near the South Pacific ,killing 24passengers on board..___坠机(动词)_______.
3.Chuck survived the crash and lands on a deserted island..____坠机(名词)______.
1.He is so selfish that all his friends have deserted him ,.____抛弃______.
2.Many people hurriedly deserted the city before the war broke out..____离开______.
3.The Sahara Desert解释:.___沙漠_______.
1.Chuck survived (in) the crash and lands on a deserted island.._____幸存_____.
2.Life is hard at the moment,but mw're surviving..____比...活得长______.
3.The old lady has survived all her children.._____养活_____.
1.I live alone ,but I don't feel lonely..___alone:独自 ; lonely:孤单的_______.(两个都要)
2.-We have no idea why he left the company.
_Tom alone konws the serect..___只有_______.
3.When I was a child ,I lived in a lonely village with my grandfather..____偏僻的______.
1.We share a bathroom with each other in the dormitory..____共用______.
2.Let me take my share of the cost..___(分担的)一部分_______.
3.We shall all have a share in the profits.._____股份_____.