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英语翻译It is five years since he became a soldier.他当兵已经五年了.It i

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 00:02:57
It is five years since he became a soldier.他当兵已经五年了.
It is five years since he was a soldier..他不当兵已经五年了.
It is ten years since I smoked.表示“我戒烟十年了” (此处为延续性 )
It is ten years since I started smoking.则表示“我吸烟十年了”.(此处为非延续性 )
也就是说延续性反译 非延续性直译 另外,以上的is都可以改成has been吗?
对于此题:2.They asked me to have a drink with them.I said it was nine years since I______a good drink.
A.enjoyed B.was enjoying C.had enjoyed D.had been enjoying
此处的enjoy究竟可不可延续?根据题意,应该反译.如果不可延续,不是选B吗?为什么答案是C呢?C是个什么东西?对于此句The door has been opened(不是has been open){这里的has been opened表示的是短暂还是延续?
另外,对于It is 3 years since I tidied up smoking.It is 3 year since I had tidied up smoking.分别是延续还是非延续.分别怎么翻译?
再另外It is 5 years since I have lived here.此句有错吗?since后面不一定跟过去时句子吗?
tidy up 是 give up 我搞错了
首先,对于此类句子有一个明确的规律吗?延续性直译?非延续性反译?还是不能这么看,一定得靠语感?另外become不是非延续性而was是延续性吗?我怎么觉得你倒过来说了?2.They asked me to have a drink with them.I said it was nine years since I______a good drink.
A.enjoyed B.was enjoying C.had enjoyed D.had been enjoying
It is 3 years since I gived up smoking.It is 3 year since I have given up smoking.这样有错吗?分别是延续还是非延续。分别怎么翻译?
It is ...since X 的句型真的很让人困惑,但问题不在于 since 的含义,
since X 的意思是“从 X 到现在”,这是没有争议的.
It is five years since he became a soldier =》他成为军人到现在已经 5 年了
句子的 He became a soldier 意味着他现在还是个军人.(became,成为,是延续性动词.)
It is five years since he was a soldier =》他不当兵已经五年了
这里,he WAS a soldier 的 was 意味他以前是军人(现在已不是).
was 不是延续性动词.
It was nine years since I had enjoyed a good drink.
我没有享受 a good drink 已经9 年了.
(这个理解来自过去时态 was 和过去完成时态 had enjoyed .was 和 had enjoyed 没有延续性).
“tidy up smoking” 这个说法我好像没看到.
It is 5 years since I have lived here.
我住这里已经 5 年了.(现在还住在这里.)
再问: 抱歉我还不懂,能查看上面“追问”的部分再解答一下吗? 另一:The fineness and softness of the dre (catch) her attention.是catch还是catches? The size and color of the shirt that I told you is correct. 为何is呢?凡是A and B of C都把A and B看作整体?
再问: 首先,对于此类句子有一个明确的规律吗?延续性直译?非延续性反译?还是不能这么看,一定得靠语感?另外become不是非延续性而was是延续性吗?我怎么觉得你倒过来说了?2.Theyasked me to have a drink with them. I said it was nine years since I______agood drink. A.enjoyed B. was enjoying C. had enjoyed D. had been enjoying 这句为什么要用C而不用B呢?(还是不懂)如用B成了什么意思? 答: 这问题确实涉及语感,因为仅看字面意思你根本无法知道 it was nine years since I had enjoyed a good drink. 究竟是延续性还是非延续性。这种看似有歧义的句子是要从语境和语感来理解的。 要领悟句子的意思,关键是前半句的 It was 9 years ... was (过去时)说明 enjoyed a good drink 是过去的事,即他现在已经不喝酒了。 另一:The fineness and softness of the dre (catch) her attention.是catch还是catches? The size and color of the shirt that I told you is correct. 为何is 呢?凡是Aand B of C都把A and B看作整体? 答: 第一句的正确动词是 catch , 第二句的正确动词是 are , 句子的主语是 The fineness AND softness 和 The size AND color 它们是复数主语。 第二句用 is 动词是错的。
再问: It has been three years since the couple are married.此处是离婚3年吗?换成get则是结婚三年吗?还有此处谓语动词用三单式还是复数式。 对于英语非母语的人,有几个问题很麻烦:class group family等词虽说强调个体当复数,强调整体当单数但其实还是很难区分 还有冠词the的问题几复数不复数问题
再答: 你对单词 since 的纠结我完全可以理解。Since 是特别有歧义的单词,作为 50 多年在英语环境里生活的人,我可以老实对你说,不只是你,很多母语为英语的人也常为这个单词烦恼。 一言以蔽之,这类句子的准确含义需要从上下文理解出来。 话说回来,It has been three years since the couple are married 这句话意味他们仍旧处于结婚状态。 为何这样分析呢?简单的理由,就是母语为英语的人会认为,若是他们已经离了婚,正确的表达应该是 It has been three years since the couple were divorced. **** 这其实也就是理解这类句子的含义的一个诀窍 -- 即想一想,如果意思相反的话,其表达方式是否不同。 至于句子里 couple 要接单数动词还是复数动词,今天这仍旧是有争议的一个问题。 满意请采纳,谢。
再问: 我的追问呢!?