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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 23:30:13
Chinese patterns stand out especially in the modern designs,such as interior designs and interior desplaying designs.Many Chinese traditional arts,the details and structures of the Chinese culture like the designs of the traditional furniture and costumes,ect,are largely used in the interior decoration designs,which indicates the independence and uniqueness of the Chinese designs.In this way the ethnic and national characteristics have been established.
This article introduces the characteristics and advantages of the interior designs,in which Chinese patterns are mainly used.It also deals with the characteristics in the modern designs of the Chinse patterns and its designing trends in the future.Based on the key cases,how to combine the design rules with the Chinese patterns are analysed in the passage.Because of the combination,this kind of design not only bears the national characteristics,but it also has made the creation and breakthrough in the spacial poise and charm and therefore it shows the creative thinking out of the frame.Furthermore,this article summarizes the application of the Chinese patterns in the spacial layers of the modern interior designs,the application of the furniture decorations and the application of the indigenous designs.By analysing and researching,it puts forward the problems that often arise in the application of the Chinese patterns in the interior designs and the policies of how to solve those problems.
英语翻译“中式纹样”在现代设计里面,在诸如室内装饰、室内陈设设计等方面表现得尤为突出.大量的中国传统艺术、中国文化的细节 中国传统艺术在现代设计中的应用 室内的绿叶陈设在室内的整体空间设计中起到什么作用? 英语翻译广西铜鼓纹样在现代包装设计中的运用研究专业名称:美术学 作者姓名:[摘 要] 多元化的包装设计中具有民族特色的包 英语翻译在现代服装设计领域中,尤其是在个性风格的塑造表现上,极大依赖服装材料的细节设计,而对细节的演绎和变化很大一部分已 英语翻译分别从空间形式、装饰、色彩的运用以及陈设、元素符号等方面探索了中式元素在室内设计中的应用.并指出在对这些方面进行 英语翻译传统装饰纹样在潜移默化中影响着现代设计,而这些具有中国特色的设计反过来又影响着传统民族审美观念.我想知道这句话用 结合你的设计过程,论述艺术思维和科学思维在设计思维中的表现. 对中国传统造物哲学的认识及其在现代设计中如何应用 谈谈你对传统及民间纹样中典型的造型元素和配色关系在现代设计中应用的色法 英语翻译一种语言中的有些词汇清晰而深刻地记录了社会的变化,在这方面口语流行语的表现尤为突出,口语流行语就像一面镜子,集中 英语翻译设计艺术是实用艺术,它以艺术为设计的要求和要素.在人造物系统中,广泛的涉及人的衣、食、住、行、用的各个方面,是人