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英语翻译The elephant is the only animal in the world with a turn

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 10:17:43
The elephant is the only animal in the world with a turnk.It uses its turn in many ways.It pulls leaves off trees with its turnk and then puts them into its mouth.It can even use its trunk when it wants to make a path through the forest.It also uses its trunk to get water.The turnk can hold a lot of water,as an elephant needs to drink more than three hundred pints of water every day.When the elephant is angry,its tusks can be very dangerous.The tusks of an elephant"s tusk.In America men have hunted elephants for their tusks.The ivory form the tusks is made into many beautiful things.
It has been easy for men to train elephants in Asia.They use elephants to carry heavy things for men to train elephants in Asia.They use elephants to carry heavy things for long distances.
Many people say that the kings of Asia used to give white elephants to people whom they did not like.These white elephants were sacred and they could not be made towork.They could not be killed or given away.A person who owned a white elephant had to pay a lot of money to keep it properly.After a certain time,he usually became very poor.Now people in England call a useless thing"a white elephant."
在亚洲,人们通过驯化大象给生活带来了许多便利.他们用大象驮负重物长途跋涉.据说亚洲的君王常常把白象送给他不喜欢的人.因为白象生性怯懦而且不能用于做工,因为是帝王相送,既不能杀戮也不能遗弃.得到白象的人还要花费大量的金钱才能使它生活安适.所以过了一段时间,这个人就会因为大量支出且无所获 而变得穷困潦倒.因此,现在的英国人往往用“白象”来形容大而无用的事物.
有错误啊 象鼻不是turnk 而是trunk还有 是to work 而不是towork 大抵意思就是这样.