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英语翻译I am fair skined.I burn very easily and LOL not to freak

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 01:22:28
I am fair skined.I burn very easily and LOL not to freak you out but sometimes when I get cold,you can see the veins in my legs ^-^ its cool.
I hope that if we meet that we will like eachother.^-^ From your photos you seem like a nice,
laid back yet adventurous,funny and social guy who comes from quite a big family.lol
You look like you have alot of fun ^-^ If we ever meet I hope we have alot of fun and go on an adventure I love getting lost and finding things.
Lol you're a naughty boy...purrrr naughty boys need to be punished HAHA jk O.o or am I
You friend sounds like a nice,funny guy.Is he a close friend of yours?What is his name?
Im sorry that you feel like women dont find you attractive but!I bet there are alot more women looking at you than you think.^-^
My personality.I am very different than most people.I do not conform to the average ways of doing things.Im extreemly open minded.My temper is well controled and it is very hard to get me angry.LOL Nobdy I know has ever seen me mad.Im a strong independent woman.To be honest I am a dominate in public but would like to be submissive in the bedroom (not to embarass you ^-^.) I can be painfully blunt at times and brutal when it comes to telling people the truth.
^-^ You say you like plump women,it makes me happy.I would be upset if you ended up hating me because the size of my body.But that all depends on what your version of "plump" is.
I will NOT judge you,if you feel comfortable enough will you tell me how large it is?You do not have to of course...Dont ever do something that makes you uncomfortable.^-^ I got my nipples peirced.^-^
我皮肤白皙.很容易晒伤.LOL我不是想你心跳加速,但告诉你,有时当天气冷时,你可以看到我大腿上的静脉,嘻^ - ^嘻,酷吧!
我希望如果我们见面,我们会互相倾慕.嘻^ - ^嘻 .
LOL你看起来像有很多乐趣.嘻^ - ^嘻 .如果我们会见面,我希望我们也会有很多的乐趣和来一次旅游,我喜欢偶而失踪一下、到新地方寻找新事物.
LOL 你是个顽皮的男孩!唔...调皮的小孩要受到惩罚.哈哈,开开玩笑!喔噢,或者我才是(顽皮的小孩).
很可惜你会觉得女生不认为你有吸引力,但!我敢打赌,还有比你想像多的女生在瞻视你.嘻^ - ^嘻 .
我的个性 :我很不同於一般人.我不会服从於按一般方法做事.我持十分开放的态度.我可以很好的控制自己的脾气,他人很难令我生气.LOL 我周边的人从没有人见过我生气发狂.我是一个坚强独立的女生.说实话,在公众场合我是会占据主导地位的人,但在闺房时我会柔顺服从(不会令你尴尬吧.嘻^ - ^嘻 .).我有时会直率的令人痛苦,甚至在告之他人真相时很冷酷.
嘻^ - ^嘻 .你说你喜欢丰满的女性,这让我感到高兴.但如果最终因为我的身体尺寸而不喜欢我,我会很难过.但这一切都取决於你对“丰满”的标准是什麼.
我不是在审核你,但如果你觉得自在,可否告诉我你的 "家伙"有多大?
您当然不必 ...不要做任何让你不舒服的事.嘻^ - ^嘻.我两个乳头都穿了乳环.嘻^ - ^嘻.
fair skined应是fair skinned之手误
LOL :Laurence罗伦斯 或 Laughing out loud(下作网名LOL翻译)或表示大笑?
getting lost :get lost 一般指"迷路" 或 不客气的"滚开"
purr :A noise made to acknowledge someone's comments or actions
jk :Just kidding
You do not have to of course...您当然不必 ...(贴张像上来)?!