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以My new teach为题写一篇英语小短文,是苏教版6六年级上学期水平,作业参考用的

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 05:00:07
以My new teach为题写一篇英语小短文,是苏教版6六年级上学期水平,作业参考用的
My new teacher is my English teacher.Her Chinese name is Su Lili.Her English name is Kelly.She's young .She's very pretty.She likes swimming,listening to music and playing basketball.Her favourite season is fall.Because she can take a trip.She likes tomatoes and fish .She is my friend.I love her and she love me very much!
My new teacher is science teacher. He's very strong. He has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. He often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes.
My science teacher is very kind. And he is very smart, isn't he? Today, we have science class. We are very happy. Because he is so funny. Who is he? He's a Mr. Zhou.
My new teacher I am proud I have such a good teacher, she is my teacher Coke teachers. When I was into the secondary school, they heard that the teacher is one of our outstanding teachers Coke teachers. I feel with a bit of excitement, silently in the hearts of the imagination the image of this outstanding teachers. I anxiously in the hope of finally wait until the evening, Coke teacher in front of us, first of all, my mind is not what we think she should be the class teacher after the teacher Coke! So young. I think this is legitimate, some not from her Like us to do a self-introduction, she also surprised the merits of our big deal than the number of «Why has become an outstanding teacher?» But in the days after I Zhuo gradually understanding her. Jiao teacher's words also wrote the great, but she is our English teacher. She is very strict in the classroom, but outside her classroom on the lax, I remember She previously often chat with us \ to-heart talks, she seems to really like his sister, as we have spent what worry, as long as her, and she will be on your little while, will not be unhappy if things ! Like as if some students make mistakes, as long as the coke to the hands of teachers on what will not, that is, her solution to the Dry Cuicui McGREGOR, as "major event of small, trivial matters of the." Like . In fact, I also sometimes like to commit a small illnesses, but sometimes can be controlled, sometimes I can not control, but Coke teachers have never criticized me, I just find a little later on, even if the one thing! But I will remember this time from a small lesson, not in the hope that after committing a minor illnesses, preferably from not guilty, I do a rules. I also would like to focus teacher said: If I was to fly the Youth Pre-employment Training birdies, then you are dark-winged I wing the wind, if I was just germination of a new leaf, then you are deep in the earth - Gen. Close the Huaer you always want to talk, full of the joy would like to share with you, I Coke teachers with respect and love, let me use the most affectionately call you a "coke teacher" okay » Last year, we are often in the form-class, health is always the first, but we also have an excellent teacher ah! So what has done excellent, excellent teachers say that only if we fail, then how can we carry on in the Such a good teacher? «So I hope that the whole class to emerge, so that our teachers to lead classes in the heights! 我的老师 我很自豪我有这样一个好老师,她是我的老师焦老师.当我进入中学,他们听说老师是我们的优秀教师焦炭教师.我觉得一个有点兴奋,默默在心中想象的形象,这个优秀教师. i焦急地在希望最后等到晚上,焦老师摆在我们面前的,首先,我心目中是不是我们认为她应该是班主任后,教师焦!这么年轻.我认为这是合法的,有些不是从她希望我们做了自我介绍,她也感到惊讶的优点,我们大不了的数量比«为什么已成为一个优秀的老师? » 但在几天后,我卓逐步了解她.焦老师的话也写的伟大,但她是我们的英语教师.她是非常严格的在课堂上,但外界对她的课堂松弛,我记得她以前经常跟我们聊天\向心会谈中,她似乎真的很喜欢他的姐姐,因为我们已用了什么担心,只要她的,她将在您的一点时间,将不会不高兴,如果事情!喜欢的,如果有些学生犯错,只要把焦炭,以手中的教师就什么也不会,那就是她的办法来解决缺水翠翠理觉,作为“大事小,小事的” .喜欢. 事实上,我有时也想承诺的一小病,但有时是可以控制的,有时候,我无法控制,但焦老师从来没有批评我,我只是觉得有点稍后,即使一件事! 但我会记住这个时间,从一个小的教训,而不是在希望后,一小病,最好是由不认罪,我做了规则. 我也想集中,老师说:如果我是飞展翅小鸟,那你就是黑暗翼i翼风,如果我是刚刚萌发的新的一页,那你就是在深部地球-将军 关闭花儿你总是要谈,充满了喜悦,想与大家分享,我焦炭教师的尊重和爱,让我用最深情地打电话给您一个“焦老师”好» 去年,我们往往是在形式,一流的,健康始终是第一,但我们也有一个很好的老师啊!那么,已做了出色的,优秀的教师说只有如果我们失败了,那么我们如何能进行下去,在这样一个好老师呢? «因此,我希望全班同学出现,使我们的教师带领班级,在高地!
Do you have a favourite teacher in our colledlge? And did you like your new teacher when you came into a new class some years ago? I believe most of you will answer “obviously”. In fact, so do I. I also have a good teacher, in some ways, a good friend.
I have known many teachers since I entered the primary school fist time. But only when I came here, She, my new English teacher, gave me a deeply impression. Maybe you have ever seen her on the campus. Maybe not. But it doesn,t matter. In my heart, she is so perfect that everyone like her. She is a lovely girl and her heart is as pure as her white clothes. She treats every student equally and never be angry with anybody. Even made a mistake, she also explains to us again and again so that every student could get it. She is so patient with us. Especially her Sweet simle is always on her face which makes her more easy-giong, so we also treat her as our best friend.
She is my favourite teacher, not only because of her wide knowledge, but also because she gives us self-confidence. in our life. And she helps us won many prizes in the competitions. This made her happy and also made our dass get more and more popular among other classes. So we have enough confidence in ourselves, but we know we still have a long way to go. Just as she always said:“If you want to be successful suneday you must work hard. No matter what difficults you meet donot be afraid of defeat! Just stick to it. After storm must be sunshine !”
I will never forget her words. It gives great motivation to our study. In my heart, she is the best teacher I have ever seen. I like her and respect her so much that I regarded her as a great person in my life.
This is my new English teacher – My favourite teacher and also my best friend.