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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/02 19:27:06

Zhenbeitai layers of both green package build, the outer layers of the table top about 2 meters tall brick forts, battlements upper features a lookout mouth, around the inner layers of forts connected. Buildings around the first layer has a ring out, then keep the station is 将卒 barracks, has a base of surviving. Flat square, four-story high, built of rammed earth inside and outside brick stone, big top end of the small, layer by layer incorporated into a total area of nearly 5,000 square meters. The first layer is the base, 82 meters long from north, south 76 meters long, 64 meters long each thing, circumference 320 m, depth 12 m. Enclosed by four walls, interior walls 5.5 meters high, wall height of 10 meters, set up forts, the east wall of the south gate set, southeast medial set masonry bridleways. Bear on the bottom of a small square brick built Taipei City, famous models tribute city, is the year and the Mongolian and Chinese officials held a reception to discuss product offering tribute ceremony venue.
Town station is located four kilometers north of the city of Yulin, Shaanxi Province, on top of Red Mountain. According to the provisional lower risk, control of the north and south of the throat, such as the giant lock brief border strategic pass, one of the largest remaining ancient fortress along the Great Wall. Taiwan was a square, a total of 4 layers, more than 30 meters high. LMH 82 meters long from north, 76 m long south, east and west each 64 meters, covers an area of 5056 square meters. Zhenbeitai have the world's first known, is the ingenuity and perseverance of our ancient Han Chinese working people of the crystal. Therefore, Chen Yun and a poem in praise of the Great Wall of hard spine Zhenbeitai, Everlasting, resignation came into play play play play dynasty soldiers.
Town station was built in 1607, is one of the Great Wall defense system observation, the Ming Great Wall is one of the central fortress, station square, four-story, brick stone outside, covering 500
0 m2. The first storey 10.20 meters, the second storey of 8 meters, the third storey 4.10 m, 4.40 m fourth storey, Taipei amount of title "to the next," the word for the million cases last governor James book. Taiwan each stone stairs to board, according to insurance Taiwan mountain, towering. Standing on top overlooking Zhenbeitai, the Sands Sky, Bicheng reservoirs, meandering Great Wall, green forest and a thriving suburban style building with shine, constitutes a very beautiful color picture. Look rippling Hongshixia reservoir, look at the two peoples Zhantiandoudi Yulin miracle: the deserts of brilliant achievements - sandy desert botanical garden and canal - Sha Drainage, Drainage East Elm; Look elm BU community Hazel desert scenery and lush forest orchard; Redhill City Look at the Great Wall beacon sites and the ups and downs of the loess hills, as well as 16th-century Chinese and Mongolian trade friendly - easy to Maastricht, and Yulin ancient Hongshixia , what a magnificent picture!
Zhenbeitai Ming Great Wall ruins of the most ambitious, one of the magnificent building, the Great Wall three wonders (east of Shanhaiguan, there Zhenbeitai west Jiayuguan), one of "the world's first," said, the ingenuity and perseverance of our ancient working people of the crystal. Therefore, Chen Yun and poems like "The Great Wall of a stiff spine Zhenbeitai, Everlasting," "resignation speech dynasty came into play play play soldiers."
第二段是:镇北台位于陕西省榆林城北4公里之红山顶上。据险临下,控南北之咽喉,如巨锁扼边关要隘,为古长城沿线现存最大的要塞之一。台呈方形,共4层,高30余米。台基北长82米,南长76米,东、西各64米,占地面积5056平方米。镇北台有天下第一台之称,是我国古代汉族劳动人民的聪明才智和坚强毅力的结晶。故陈运和诗赞万里长城的一块坚硬脊椎骨 镇北台,永在、上台下台演王朝 进戏出戏扮将士。
0平方米。第一层高10.20米,第二层高8米,第三层高4.10米,第四层高4.40米,台北额题“向明”二字,为万历时巡抚涂宗所书。台的每层有石台阶可登,台依山据险,巍峨挺拔。站在镇北台之顶远眺,金沙蓝天、碧澄水库、逶迤长城、绿色林带和欣欣向荣的城郊建设风貌相辉映,构成了无比绚丽的彩色画卷。你看那碧波荡漾的红 石峡水库,你看那榆林人民战天斗地的两大奇迹:治理沙漠的辉煌成果——沙地植物园和沙漠运河——西沙渠、榆东渠;你看那榆卜界沙漠海子风光和郁郁葱葱的林带果园;你看那秦长城的烽火台遗迹和起起伏伏的黄土丘陵,还有16世纪汉蒙友好贸易的红山市——易马城、红石峡和榆林古城,多么壮丽的画面!
镇北台是明长城遗址中最为宏大、气势磅礴的建筑之一,是长城三大奇观(东有山海关、中有镇北台、西有嘉峪关)之一,有“天下第一台”之称,是我国古代劳动人民的聪明才智和坚强毅力的结晶。故陈运和诗赞“万里长城的一块坚硬脊椎骨 镇北台,永在”、“上台下台演王朝 进戏出戏扮将士”。