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英语翻译1.inv.cert.of origin and b/l must indicate gross and net

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 07:09:47
1.inv.cert.of origin and b/l must indicate gross and net weight
2.all drafts must contain drawn under our l/c(this)l/c no.
3.documents issued dated prior to the date of issuance of this lc are not acceptable
4.negotiations must be recorded on the original l/c
5.all docments must bear our(this)l/c number.
6.forwarders and house b/l a.w.b.is not acceptable unless authorized by us
7.documents negotiated/forwarded for payment by a bank other than our nominated correspondent,shall be treated as discrepant documents and shall be handel ed as approval/collection documents
8.all documents including draft must be presented in English
9.docts,must be dispatched tous in two lots original by dhl and duplicate b regd airm ail including n original bil of lading at our following address:
the national commercial bank-615,t.s.c
dana shopping centre,po box 5558dammam-31432 d.s.a
10.documents negotiated/forwarded for payment by a bank other than our nominated correspondent,shall be at the full risk and responsibility of the negotiating bank and any future alaim of charges or lien by the correspondents will be the sole responsibility of negotiating bank unless supported with a release letter issued by the first advising bank
11.third party documents are not acceptable unless other wise specified in the letter of credit
12.in the event that documents presented under this credit are determined to be discrepant,we may seek a waiver of such discrepancies from the applicant,should such a waiver be obtained,we may release the documents and effect settlement in accordance with the credit terms,notwithstanding any prior communication to the presenter that we are holding documents at the presenter's disposal,unless we have been instructed otherwise by the presenter prior to our release of documents
13.b/ls that carry a clause such as”the carrier has the option to deliver the goods to a person whom he reasonably believes to be entitled to take delivery of the goods without requiring surrender of an original b/l or similar wording are not acceptable
14.if the negotiation is allowed to bank other than the l/c advising bank and the charges are on beneficiaries a/c then the negotiating bank must certify on their negotiation schedule that all advising bank charges have been paid
15.the documents attested by c.c.p.i.t or chamber of commerce is only acceptable
16.all the documents must show the consignee name as “^^^^^^^^”
17.b/l showing any stamp or any clause regarding any charges payable at destination by the consignees is not acceptable
18.invoices must show fob value of the goods and freight charges paid separatel
19.this credit is subject to the uniform customs and practice for documentary credits(2007 revision) icc publication no.600
20.bill of lading should indicate name,address and telephone number of carrying vessel’s agent at port of discharge
1.inv.cert.of origin and b/l must indicate gross and net weight -----发票,产地证和提单上必须显示毛净重
2.all drafts must contain drawn under our l/c(this)l/c no.--汇票显示信用证号码
3.documents issued dated prior to the date of issuance of this lc are not acceptable ---所有单据签发日期早于信用证开证日期不接受
4.negotiations must be recorded on the original l/c ---议付时附上信用证正本
5.all docments must bear our(this)l/c number.--所有单据显示信用证号码
6.forwarders and house b/l a.w.b.is not acceptable unless authorized by us ---除非本开证行授权,否则货代提单不接受
7.documents negotiated/forwarded for payment by a bank other than our nominated correspondent,shall be treated as discrepant documents and shall be handel ed as approval/collection documents ---
8.all documents including draft must be presented in English 素有单据包括汇票都必须用英文填写.
9.docts,must be dispatched tous in two lots original by dhl and duplicate b regd airm ail including n original bil of lading at our following address:
the national commercial bank-615,t.s.c
dana shopping centre,po box 5558dammam-31432 d.s.a ----议付正本单据必须分2套用DHL快递公司航空邮寄到以下地址,每套单据都要有1份正本提单.地址是XXXXX
10.documents negotiated/forwarded for payment by a bank other than our nominated correspondent,shall be at the full risk and responsibility of the negotiating bank and any future alaim of charges or lien by the correspondents will be the sole responsibility of negotiating bank unless supported with a release letter issued by the first advising bank ---
11.third party documents are not acceptable unless other wise specified in the letter of credit ----除非信用证特别规定,第三方出具的单据不接受.
12.in the event that documents presented under this credit are determined to be discrepant,we may seek a waiver of such discrepancies from the applicant,should such a waiver be obtained,we may release the documents and effect settlement in accordance with the credit terms,notwithstanding any prior communication to the presenter that we are holding documents at the presenter's disposal,unless we have been instructed otherwise by the presenter prior to our release of documents
13.b/ls that carry a clause such as”the carrier has the option to deliver the goods to a person whom he reasonably believes to be entitled to take delivery of the goods without requiring surrender of an original b/l or similar wording are not acceptable ----提单,如果上面显示例如承运人已经按照货主要求把提单电放给收货人,儿允许收货人无需正本提单就可提货等字眼,本信用证不接受.
14.if the negotiation is allowed to bank other than the l/c advising bank and the charges are on beneficiaries a/c then the negotiating bank must certify on their negotiation schedule that all advising bank charges have been paid --如果议付行是被允许为信用证通知行以外的其他银行(也就是自由议付不规定必须是通知行)那么该银行必须出具文件证明所有的通知费已经支付.
15.the documents attested by c.c.p.i.t or chamber of commerce is only acceptable ---单据只接受被贸促会或者商会认证.
16.all the documents must show the consignee name as “^^^^^^^^” ---所有单据都必须显示收货人名称是XXXX
17.b/l showing any stamp or any clause regarding any charges payable at destination by the consignees is not acceptable---提单上显示或者盖章或者任何方式表示油收货人在目的港支付任何费用是不能接受的.(我想因为是CFR的条款,所有运费都是卖方负责)
18.invoices must show fob value of the goods and freight charges paid separatel ---发票要分别显示FOB金额和运费
19.this credit is subject to the uniform customs and practice for documentary credits(2007 revision) icc publication no.600----本信用证按照跟单信用证600条款(2007修订版)要求执行.
20.bill of lading should indicate name,address and telephone number of carrying vessel’s agent at port of discharge---提单显示船代在卸货港的名称地址电话.